The reason why PA bores me (feedback)

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by lazeruski, May 5, 2015.

  1. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    In all seriousness they did get burned a few times during development, where they planned something then it didn't work out.... reasonable people should be able to understand however sadly the trolls got their teeth into them. Since then they've been very careful not to promise anything beyond very near term and almost never answer questions of 'are you going to do...'

    I'm not saying your wrong to want improvements to maps, but don't expect any official statement until they're close to doing something. They do keep up with the forums so its maybe worth positing thoughts on improvements like this, they do get seen.
    lazeruski, tesseracta and MrTBSC like this.
  2. tesseracta

    tesseracta Active Member

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    Last edited: May 30, 2015
  3. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    .... mmmmmm .... nooo ... not intrested in searchin for the needle in the heystack ...
    tesseracta likes this.
  4. tesseracta

    tesseracta Active Member

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  5. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    The Cloak as it was done in TA would be a nice idea for PA imo (maybe optional?).

    I understand your reservations however if it was implemented as follows I think it would be a great addition- the end game in PA is *only* about sniping commanders, literally nothing else matters.

    The way it would need to function to not be totally OP:
    1: Only available for commanders, no other unit would be able to cloak.
    2: It would provide visual cover only, so a commander sneaking up on your front line wouldn't be viable because it would be really obvious what it was and you should be able to target the *radar dot* with units.
    3: It would require *a lot* of energy to run even with the commander stationary, even more so if moving.
    4: It moving a unit within a certain distance of the commander would cancel out the effect.

    What the above restrictions mean is:
    1: Late game (when there is sufficient energy) commanders should be cloaked to prevent easy sniping with things like bomber / SXX, as a commander hidden in a large base would be almost impossible to spot amongst all the other units.

    2: Commanders out in the open would be very vulnerable as they would be easy to identify with radar, and running units into it will remove the cloak (this avoids 'rambo' commanders becoming a serious threat).

    3: The high power draw makes the cloak easy to disable- cause your opponent to energy stall and the commander is revealed. This makes energy generators a high priority target in the late game, and as they require *lots of space* they are much harder to defend than the commander. This should make matches more interesting, with people doing raids on power facilities rather than just sitting their building up a snipe tactic.

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