Whatever happened to this?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by stuart98, May 26, 2015.

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  1. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    that is right and all but as said mavor didn't leave uber ... that's the point

    HR was scathis baby .... .... *sigh* :( ....

    so yea once released you didn't hear anything from mavor anymore regarding PA ... or anything at all for that matter .. :(
  2. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    No one is saying that Uber lied about the map editor being The Galaxy Map Editor or about our inability to mod in scenarios because Uber didn't say a word about either. We are saying that they are lying because we were promised in-game mod support, no need to download a third party PAMM, and guess what, if you want to download a mod you have to download a third-party PAMM. They promised us mod support yet in the year that it's been possible they haven't done a single thing (Quitch' s AI requests aside) that we've asked for other than the paltry addition of 5 generic unit types. The only things possible in modding now that weren't possible a year ago are subs, transports that can exclude certain units by something other than weight, and layer specific reclaim and repair, ALL of which SOLELY because Uber needed the functionality for themselves. Sorian's excellent work aside, there hasn't been A SINGLE CHANGE made to the have in the past year with the motivation of mod support. Uber doesn't support modders, and to think otherwise is being in denial. Allowing nodding, tolerating it with no active rendering of assistance is not support.
  3. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    you've dug up an old article and are now banding around how uber are 'liars'... Also 'mod support built into the game' isnt the same as saying 'mod market place'.

    You guys have access to ui, ai and server modding tools along with a pretty comprehensive map editor. That is mod tools built into the game. Yes there ideally would be more modding tools but that is a different thing to saying their not included.

    There is nothing wrong with the article, I believe it was made in good faith at the time. Also additional mod hooks haven't been ruled out by not including a mod market... However threads like this are hardly going to make any of the devs at uber want to give you any time whatsoever.

    This thread is deliberately confrontational and aimed squarely at uber.
  4. tenaciousc

    tenaciousc Active Member

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    That article doesn't say that Mavor isn't working on PA anymore. So.... Is Mavor still working on PA? Can someone from Uber tell us? I guess it's not a huge deal if he's not but I'd be kind of disappointed that the guy from the videos and the kickstarter who was so passionate about this game, and got me passionate about it too, isn't, or hasn't been, working on it anymore.
    stuart98 likes this.
  5. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    i don't think he is as @exterminans link goes mavor is looking into works regarding VR ... there even was a video on the uberyoutubechannel about some zombieslapping VR game ....
  6. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    He's a company director, that usually means a large portion of his time is devoted to business management rather than technical work. Being a veteran engine programmer means he was heavily involved early on, although given his position I expect his programming time on pa has taken a backseat to other tasks as time moved on. This is the catch 22 of being an engineer. You get into the career through a love for solving technical puzzles, but to progress you have to move to management taking you away from such work.
  7. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Really CDRKF?

    Care to explain to me what you call people who don't follow through with what they said they were going to do and still advertise it?

    "You don't have to install any weird programs... it's all available within the game."
    Explain to me how PAMM being needed doesn't completely contradict that statement please.

    Yes this thread is directed at Uber. That's kinda the result of them promising mods as a first class citizen and then throwing us under the rug. Completely.
  8. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    so basicaly we can close this thread because its merely for baiting uber ... what a wonderfull waste of time ...
    wp stuart .. wp
    also no re ... i am out ...
    cdrkf likes this.
  9. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    You do realize he has completely no control over the community, yes? Therefore he had no control over his optimistic word being made wrong. The community made a mod manager before Uber, this does not mean Uber will not make one eventually, only that ours exists.

    The difference between a liar and someone who is just wrong is a liar does it on purpose.
    cdrkf and MrTBSC like this.
  10. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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  11. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Your taking the statement very literally... Also uber have provided tools for modding. I mean they built the ability to host and automatically share server mods in especially. A player can join a modded game and not install any additional software. The ui was chosen with modding in mind (to the detriment of performance and stability unfortunately).

    You are taking an old statement of intention out of context whilst conveniently ignoring the quite large number of design decisions that have blatantly been made to support modding to make a point.

    I dunno what's gotten into you all of a sudden but please tone it down.
    lokiCML and squishypon3 like this.
  12. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    'mod support built into the game' is damn specific and damn far from what is currently the case.
    stuart98 likes this.
  13. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    You see I read that as 'the game supports mods intentionally' not 'in game mod manger'...
    squishypon3 likes this.
  14. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    Whiiiiiiiiiiiiich desssssign decisions?
    be specific.

    and how are these decisions you think of not much "older" then the statements?
  15. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Guess what it kind of is! Because you can join a modded game and have said mods work perfectly, without even having to download the mod because Uber hosts it via their servers!

    For the average player this mod support is great.
    Gorbles likes this.
  16. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    it doesn't mean in game mod manager to me either but it sure as hell doesn't mean "the game supports mods intentionally". Stop beating around the bush ok?

    Back to square one because you're trying to stray away from the truth again :
  17. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    These obviously came into play after the quotes, again the decisions being that you can instantly join a game with mods, the ui is entirely moddable, we can edit unit code super simply. (Much easier than in TA and supcom) the only thing left is an in game mod manager and some way to do scripting. But the devs can't even do scripting yet so I have no idea why people are so damn expectant of it.
    Alpha2546 and cdrkf like this.
  18. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    They built the ui for modding. They specifically added auto sharing of server mods. They built the in game browser to be able to show and filter modded games. They provided the full game files for client and units in a freely accessible format to allow for easier modding. Heck as Stuart aptly pointed out they've provided modders with new hooks as they've been added for things they are doing (to expect them to as functionality for otherwise unrequited tools in case modders might want them is ludicrous frankly).

    For that matter, they have been giving opportunities to allow players to learn of mods through the in-game video contest, through twitch integrated into the lobby and by the fact modded games Show by default to all players and thanks to their backend system are fully accessible.

    If that isn't mod support then your never going to be satisfied.
    lokiCML and MrTBSC like this.
  19. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    "You don't have to install any weird programs... it's all available within the game."
    The only way you could interpret PAMM's necessity as not being contrary to that statement is by trying. The fact is that that PAMM's necessity is in complete violation of that statement. Server modding has been possible for 360 days, the game's been released for nearly 9 months. We've seen nothing to indicate, in all of this time, that PAMM's necessity is going to change. Uber's provided tools for modding? They only way to get animations in is to use a several thousand dollar software! It's not even possible to do any sort of audio modding whatsoever!

    The first unit added in Statera, 360 days ago, was a hovertank. A fast attack vehicle designed as a way for land to raid naval and in large numbers a way to challenge a naval player who's shelling your coast or built from the naval to deal with a land player in-land. 360 days later, the unit is still in Galactic Annihilation and it still can't do the thing it was intended to do. Uber said that they were going to support modding as a first class citizen. I'm not seeing any evidence of that in how they've helped modders since server modding became a thing.
  20. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    "Oh boy they haven't helped my pet project so they're terrible liars"

    They've helped so much in the area of ui modding, there are many mod threads where people like @masterdigital respond and help.
    Heizmeister and Alpha2546 like this.
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