PTE Build 82098-pte is now up!

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by mkrater, May 22, 2015.

  1. mkrater

    mkrater Uber Alumni

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    *To learn more about PTE and how to access it, please visit eXodus eSports guide:

    • More AI improvements!
      • Torpedoes are now able to hit structures
      • AI will use naval
    • Improves spectator UI - removes unneeded UI elements
    • Older replays will no longer support resumve anywhere and the button will not appear
    • Older replays will no longer show the player's panel
    • New replays will work correctly.
    • All save files (old and new) will now work correctly.
    • Also, included in last PTE was updates to radar to fix some issues of units not showing up when they should. Forgot to call this out.


    This update is packed with AI changes, bugfixing, and polish. It also includes Resume Anywhere after the game has ended and in Replays!

    AI Improvements:

    -AI will take into account allied forces when calculating planet wide threat
    -Added stuck detection for AI area build task
    -Adjusted stuck AI stuck detection sensitivity
    -Reduced AI factory buffer size
    -AI will send more units at once through a teleporter from planets it has full control of
    -AI will expand faster on planets it has full control of
    -Adjusted how the AI sees armies occupying a planet
    -AI will do a better job of balancing its economy
    -AI can now use bomb bots
    -AI can now build and use the Unit Cannon
    -AI should try to get all of its units cannons in sync
    -AI will once again send orbital radars to other planets
    -AI will send fabbers with no build task back to a rally point, out of harms way
    -AI should do a better job of not sending fabbers half way around the planet right after dropping them off at a planet
    -AI will now enqueue orders on the sim rather than issuing them directly
    -AI will build more AA vehicles if it is losing the air battle
    -AI will build a deep space radar earlier when on a planet by itself
    -AI will build an orbital launcher earlier when on a planet by itself
    -AI will be more likely to place a teleporter on a planet, in anticipation of needing it later
    -AI will keep a group of fighters and bombers at the ready when on a planet by itself
    -AI will build at least one air factory when on a planet by itself
    -Improved the AI's handling of Gas Giants
    -Added "unable_to_expand_delay" as an AI personality setting. The AI will now accumulate time that it is unable to expand. Once they delay has been reached, it will set the unable to expand flag, allowing the AI to react accordingly
    -Minor balance to get the AI building the Delta V Engine and Control Module again
    -Fix for bug preventing the AI from using Delta V Engines
    -Fix for the PlanetHasUseableWeapon build condition not working as expected
    -The CanAffordBuildDemand build condition now supports build items with no spec to build. This will now just evaluate the condition using the fabber's build arm drain
    -Added new AI build conditions:


    -Grenadier firing arc and effects adjustments

    -Ammo Gravity Scalar increased to 6 from 3
    -Max Firing Velocity increased to 88 from 68
    -Min Firing Velocity increased to 85 from 65
    -Added a small explosion when ammo hits to better communicate its small amount of splash damage

    -Anti-nuke accuracy improvement

    -Ammo Velocity increased to 1500.0 from 500.0

    -Fix Unit Cannon not decaying if you stop building it

    Unit Cannon
    -Atrophy Rate set to 140
    -Atrophy Cool Down set to 15


    -Removed Twitch integration as Twitch is no longer supporting it. Customers can still use a third party application, like OBS, to stream PA to Twitch
    -Game should now crash with an explanatory error if the UI crashes, rather than just freezing.
    -Fix some cursor bugs that Linux users with specific graphics drivers have been experiencing
    -Support opening browser from PA on Linux. It should now open the user's preferred browser (by relying on the `xdg-open' command.)
    -Fix invisible CSG for Linux users when playing on PlayFab or on someone's Windows server, but not when playing offline. This should marginally reduce load times for all users.
    -Fix for crash caused by aiBrain no longer being valid during sim shutdown
    -Fix for AI not expanding on planets with little to no metal
    -Fix for typo in AI fabber air builds
    -Fixes for cases where the AI would seem to lose track of a fabber
    -Fix where the AI would get stuck on mixed terrain planets
    -AI platoon templates and unit map are now located in a separate folder in the AI content folder
    -The AI can now load multiple platoon template and unit map files
    -Added a cheaper path fixup function to nav. AI now makes use of the cheaper path fixup function
    -AI no longer ticks platoons that are in celestial transit
    -AI will not tick platoons in transit via the unit cannon
    -AI now can now create unit threat data on demand. This helps support units that are not included in unit_list.json
    -Removed unnecessary AI build item
    -Fix for some AI planet counting stuff
    -Updated default personality values
    -Build item renames
    -Resume Anywhere fixes
    -Enable Resume Anywhere after gameover
    -Enable ChronoResume for replays
    -Fix the AllMetalSpotsFull build condition
    -Fix for beam weapons no longer being able to do splash damage
    -Changed reclaim on patrol to reclaim unless we are 100% metal efficient and have full storage
    -Units are now able to reclaim wreckage while patrolling
    -Patrolling units are now able to reclaim trees
    -Set the default water depth for planets to 100%. This only affects Galactic War and will only affect new wars
    -Revert a change which was causing the game to hang when leaving the game lobby on some machines
    -The server will no longer broadcast custom csg to clients when the system is changed in the game lobby
    -The system display widget will no longer show the missing image symbol when you rapidly change the system in the game lobby.
    -CSS fix so background images cover in irregular resolutions (portrait or square)
    -CSS fix in nav items to properly highlight text when a sub menu is displayed
    -Adjust CSS for messages that appear in dialogs
    -Game Over: swap text from "View Final" to "View Winner"
    -Fix for button jittering caused by timer display when simulating systems
    -Updates for save game labels positions in menus
    -Make log filenames & first line of log contain date,which should help both sorting & figuring out which log matches what session
    -More logging for FMOD initialization failures
    -The pause simulation button will no longer reset the position of the planets
    -Add a Game Menu button to the options panel
    -You can now choose to exit the game or exit to the Main Menu after selecting the 'exit' option from the live game menu
    -Selecting any menu item will now hide the menu
    -Replay: Remove animated text that causes weird flashing in the background
    -Armory: Remove title animation to fix flashing background
    -Armory: Fix line height in KS credit to not overlap w/ commander visual
    -Armory: Tweak indicator for default commander
    -Quit menu: Tweak text on commit buttons
    -Main menu: Added view intro button

    Known Issues:

    Replays of games played on a Local server are not visible in Replays.

    Replays of games played on the PlayFab server can be found in Replays > My Saved Games.

    Replays of games played before this build will not load.

    In Replays, the Main Menu button from the ESC menu does not function. However, selecting Quit and Quit to Main Menu does work.

    Saving a Galactic War game has not changed. Select Save Game (Beta), wait about 5-10 seconds, then exit out of the game. You can exit by selecting Quit to desktop.
    Please note, selecting “Quit to Main Menu” will not save the game.

    (Previous PTE Notes)
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2015
  2. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    So many sweet, sweet AI changes.
  3. nixtempestas

    nixtempestas Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    holy smokes, this looks sweet. Busy little beavers over there.
    cdrkf and mkrater like this.
  4. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Soooo many fixes. Nice!
    n00n and Remy561 like this.
  5. exterminans

    exterminans Post Master General

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    I'm curious what the intention behind that one is?

    Does that mean that we will get a shot at modifying the fmod event library ourself?
  6. Sorian

    Sorian Official PA

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    I mentioned this is global chat, but thought I would post it here as well.

    There is a small AI bug in the PTE that is already fixed in main, but the fix was too late for the PTE. UnitCountInBase, UnitCountAroundBase, and unit count based placement rules will not function properly. This means AI behavior will be a little off (mainly defensive structure placement) until the next PTE.
    cdrkf and Remy561 like this.
  7. nixtempestas

    nixtempestas Post Master General

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    Got a weird and generally harmless bug when logging in for the first time, the highlighting on the main menu buttons didn't go away after mousing over them.


    I closed the game and reloaded and it doesn't do it anymore, so it could have just been a one off thing or a mod interfering with the game. Figured I'd mention it in case someone else sees it.

    EDIT: scratch that, got a solid reproduction of it, I went into settings, changed my master volume, then saved, and this started happening on the main menu.
    Last edited: May 22, 2015
    killerkiwijuice likes this.
  8. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    Looks awesome. :D
    ArchieBuld likes this.
  9. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    Some players don't get any sound because fmod fails to initialize. See here for example.
  10. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Can you reproduce without mods?
  11. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    Looks like something the UI Enhancements mod would do. I should probably test this. :)
  12. nixtempestas

    nixtempestas Post Master General

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    works fine on vanilla. My investigation continues!
  13. nixtempestas

    nixtempestas Post Master General

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    It's PA Stats Online causing it. All other mods are off

    EDIT: going into the armory and back to main menu seems to fix it, can go into and close settings freely after that. Very strange.
    Last edited: May 22, 2015
  14. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    Is the Steam beta enabled for this one?

    EDIT: nevermind, just checked for myself - yes it is.
    ArchieBuld likes this.
  15. mkrater

    mkrater Uber Alumni

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    It's come up a few times in-house on the Main Menu, but goes away. The Armory has some highlighting issues as well. We'll look into it. :)
    ArchieBuld likes this.
  16. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    That's nice to hear then that you have seen it without any mods loaded.
    I've seen it a while ago as well and there seemed to be a 100% cpu thread in some js scene going on. Some endless loop somewhere.

    hmm I can reproduce it as well, with PA Stats enabled changing the settings somehow yields an endless loop somewhere. Will look into it later. Maybe some patch changed something somewhere and the hooks now cause an endless loop somehow.
    Last edited: May 22, 2015
  17. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Main Menu button on the in-game menu (present when you're a spectator) doesn't seem to do anything.
    Last edited: May 22, 2015
  18. masterdigital

    masterdigital Uber Alumni

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    Nope. It just means that if FMOD fails I will get a more precise log message.
  19. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    If the AI is assigned the QuadXenosentryPrime commander then it will stand there and do nothing. Commander works fine under human control.
  20. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    EDIT: Clarified with Sorian in PA Chat

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