I was thinking Devil Wears Prada meets Smallville. On a corniness scale it looks like Adam West's Batman but not self-aware.
Heh I quite like Adam wests batman super hero stuff has gotten very serious of late, I think something a bit light hearted is good to balance it. It's strange how DC are the more serious comic, but Marvell generally takes the more serious role on screen (e.g. agents of shield)...
I dunno, The Avengers 2 was pretty lighthearted at times =) Anyway, where's the Super Woman show? ;P Do we get a Super Boy show too? (Sorry just noticed this xD )
Yeah, with Pony just noticed how off it is that it's Superman and Supergirl. That was a LAAAAAAME *** excuse in the trailer. It looks bland, and I don't particularly like Superheroes as is anyway - though Supergirl's design has always struck me as particularly boring.
Wish I could watch the trailer. I love me some Adam West Batman. I'm pretty sure Supergirl and Superwoman are two different people. Or more. I'm not a comic buff though so don't hold me to it. Still waiting on a Wonder Woman movie. Somebody told me they've wanted to do one for years but the directors keep quitting.