My (possibly disastrous) attempt to build a PC

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by teju__, December 14, 2013.

  1. teju__

    teju__ Active Member

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    Huh? There might be a slight misunderstanding here, I was just referring to the picture you posted earlier and the fact that you claimed to feel sick over my intentions to buy windows. Not sure what that has to do with my gaming library :/ In case I accidentally upset you somehow I'm really sorry.
    Last edited: May 11, 2015
  2. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    lol I'm not upset. this is not me when I'm upset, trust me. I just like to debate.

    I just want to bebunk the "linux ≠ gaming" myth.

    Indulge me.

    list out your whole game library i'll tell you which ones run on linux native, which ones are perfect emulated and which ones, don't run on linux.
    cdrkf likes this.
  3. teju__

    teju__ Active Member

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    This isn't what my post was about, i was just referring to your gaming bucket graphic...and puking.
    The main reason I'm probably not getting linux is because it to me seems like I'm not tech-savy enough to make it work properly.
  4. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    that is also a myth.

    it's my experience that you have to be MORE tech-savy to use windows and actually know what you're doing.

    I currently have a windows up and not a single virus or extra process running. that's more than what can be said for every friend of mine who I've had over for LAN and other.

    you can use linux just as noobily as you do windows and I guarantee you'll be doing better than you would on windows.

    The difference being you'd actually be able to tell when something's not right and maybe even why.

    No. It used to be linux was hard to use but nowadays i'd wager it's much more accessible than windows if you're talking about gate-builds that are made for beginners line ubuntu, elementary and zorin. (and I still hold ubuntu to be my favorite)
    teju__ likes this.
  5. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Games you can't play on Linux... hmm...

    #1: Star Citizen

    The main game I actually want to play once its done. PA on linux is good in theory- though in my experience somewhat less stable than Windows.

    TA: Spring also kinda works on Linux, but it's always less stables than the Windows build.

    PA is the exception not the rule. Now Valve making a big push onto Linux is starting to improve the situation, but lest we forget that there are more things you can do with a PC than just game. Linux is fine for a bit of web development, you could even write a bit of software on there given things like CodeBlocks are available. However for serious work the software isn't there.

    Graphics? You don't have access to either the Adobe Suit or Corel the 2 industry big hitters. Ok you can do some nice stuff with Inkscape and GIMP, however Inkscape does not support CMYK colour pallets so it's a dud if you want to print anything.

    CAD / 3D modelling: What have you got on Linux? Blender (which frankly is ****). What have I got access to under Windows? SolidWorks, Catia, NX, Creo, Geomagic, Rhino, Alias, Mia, 3D Studio... the list goes on and on.

    Music: On Linux we have audacity- ok not a bad package, on windows you have all the software people actually use.

    Basic office tasks? Libre Office is probably your best bet. Again there are considerably more on Windows.

    Thing is, Linux is great if your a pure IT guy, bothered about hosting servers, writing code or so on. If you want to game, it has a *few* noteworthy titles, however not all that much. Don't give me the 'but WINE' argument. Loads of stuff doesn't work under wine, and the only way to make them work is you *need a bloody copy of Windows*. Now you could download an 'unofficial' version of Windows, but ripping code out of that to make your stuff run under WINE is just the same as pirating the software in the first place.

    I don't believe in pirate software, music or vids tbh. I have a Spotify premium account for my music, Netflix and Amazon Prime for my movies / TV. I own *all* the licences of the various design and electronics packages I use for work and all my machines have a full licence of Windows on them. The funny thing is, running all this legal software means I haven't run into a blue screen or other software bug that people like you throw around in ages. Oddly enough the non cracked legal software that gets regular support and updates (there are Daily updates to Windows so I don't get where your getting the 'MS doesn't do anything' but from) works very well.

    Now I'm the first to admit that *Linux also works well*. If you can manage with the software available on Linux it makes for a good choice. It's also better from a security stand point, however it's also somewhat more in depth. The reason Windows has security issues is that it's aimed at novices. As a result there are many things automated that probably shouldn't be- that said I'm not sure I could face putting my Aunt (who is pretty much computer illiterate) onto Linux. The amount of support required would be beyond a joke.
    teju__ likes this.
  6. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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  7. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    I'd personally get an R9 290 over the GTX 970.

    The Radeon is neigh on as fast (faster even if you go beyond 1920 x 1080p- nice if you ever want to upgrade your screen) and will cost you less. I know quite a few people with 290's the power issue is blown *waaaaay* out of proportion.
    teju__ likes this.
  8. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    They said *might* be added. Currently there isn't sufficient API support for it. It's a case of *if* Vulkan is up to it then they'll think about it. No guarantees. In the mean time I can play the Alpha just fine on Windows thanks.
  9. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Well technically they did make a radical change with windows 8 design and everyone hated it, I like the design of windows! The start button is so intuitive and there's a reason most OS's rip off it, because it's one of the best things for quick access. I hate the design of Mac's bar thing- and I dislike Ubuntu's start button (not because the bar is on the left, I actually do that myself on Windows)

    Windows just feels like a perfect medium between simplistic artistic Mac and the customization and such of Linux. It has a nice layout, and it just works.

    A free OS would be great, but then that could mean less development on Windows, less updates, LESS improvements.

    Edit skipped a page :S
    teju__ and cdrkf like this.
  10. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    same here.

    all these guys making "please just help poor old Nvidia empty their discontinued unwanted stocks" vids are just sellouts.

    Sure it doesn't go all the way to 3.5+gig all the time but it will. most definitely when it comes to PA.

    just r9 has better performance anyways.
    teju__ likes this.
  11. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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  12. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    I'd like to know what you're referring to here because if my assumptions are right, then that is, historically speaking wildly inaccurate.
  13. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    They haven't confirmed it- I been following SC all the way, it's still in question give the response Chris made in a video last month (can't be bothered to go through all of it now).
  14. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    i just gave you all the necessary links.

    first is the moment in the vid where he goes on for 10 minutes about how linux is a confirmed yes.

    then the forum thread

    then the wikia stating clearly it's a windows /GNU game.
  15. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    what if it turned out to be the exact opposite?

    what does she game?

    put her on a fresh ubuntu and out of the box she's got everything she needs. office applications, web, java, flash.

    what does she pwon on Unreal or something?
  16. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Watch the video... 'probably', 'hopefully' and 'in the future' were the comments he made. He *did not at any point* say an absolute yes. He's pointed out that the Linux version of Cryengine doesn't work properly (it isn't finished and doesn't offer the performance they need) so it's an if / when depending on OGL-Next beyond anything else.

    Lol the Linux lot are grapsing at straws here- and this is where backlash starts, they *cannot* use that as proof. I take that video as quite the opposite. It's a "we want to and will try in the future if / when / hopefully". Which is a round about way of saying "not anytime soon".
  17. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    why the hell wouldn't we be?

    we WANT this game on linux. this game on linux would be a GOOD thing.

    and if we keep showing them how much we WANT it then it'll get there for sure.

    and I don't see any harm in StarCitizen eventually being on linux.

    I feel I'M not the one grasping at straws here. Chris Robberts is impartial in his statements. His orriginal statement "we will be supporting linux for star citizen" has no possible room for leeway, I don't know why there should be any "reading between the lines" here
    cdrkf likes this.
  18. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Lol my aunt doesn't game- she does however produce a lot of documentation and all her templates are based around MS office (including quite a complex database / mail merge system for building Pedigrees, which will not work under any of the free office suits).

    Also typing a command into the console is well beyond her abilities. She gets on well enough with Windows.
    teju__ likes this.
  19. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    I agree- I think games like this coming to Linux is a very important thing in getting younger people on the platform, which builds up more support / knowledge about it allowing it to hopefully grow in the future. My point is simply that you cannot declare it's a confirmed thing based on the info CIG are putting out. They have a lot of Linux guys working there so they definitely want to do it, hopefully they will, however when is another question altogether.
  20. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    you should honestly check out this guy's channel.

    the least bias I've ever seen in a human being. he shows both the ups and downs in a really interesting way.
    teju__ and cdrkf like this.

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