So, I just finished a game on the 1v1 ladder. It was a close match which I had quite a lot of fun with. Towards the end it was starting to look obvious that he had lost so he started swearing at me saying that I was playing incorrectly... all that you expect from a sore loser "you'r just camping" and "just building defences". But he then disconnected so in order to get the win I waited 3 minutes for the game to end... 2:30 later he reconnected and then disconnected again. I have to wait 3 minutes... 2:30 later he reconnected and then disconnected again. I have to wait 3 minutes... 2:30 later he reconnected and then disconnected again. I have to wait 3 minutes... e.t.c. Eventually, I assassinated his commander and finished the game. But only after having to wait an extra 10 minutes. Can you please either: reduce the disconnect timeout each time this happens? keep a track of the number of disconnects per player for losing and winning games in order to spot players who are deliberately disconnecting to win? p.s. game was against "aerational" with lobby id 4081041936097820978
to expand on 2. you would do something like this count the number of times that a player disconnects during a game keep a total of disconnects for winning and losing games check if after the last X games the player has disconnected from 2 times more games they lost than they have won from (an uncompleted game is not counted). <--- Insert better heuristic here from someone who understands stats if true they will instantly lose after more than 2 disconnects Another alternative could be a kick button after say 3 disconnects if you are in a winning position (in the above case at least 3 times more mass). It would also be nice to know if there is a system for this as I would not like to have to wait indefinitely.
If we had a better (=faster) reconnect system, then maybe! But wait: This would still be an instaloose for folks with instable systems! (even with a fast SSD it would be pretty hard to meet that timeframe!)
ya, it's been exploited before as well. There are alot of problems with pause implementation in pa, and this is one of them. The other thing to keep in mind though is that there is no legit way to pause a ladder game midway. This is exactly the same thing that would for people who legitimately needed to pause.
There's no way to win when you disconnect, other than boring your opponent and forcing them to give up, right?