So ill be playing a long intense game . Then the game stops all units halt. I can move around check out each differnt planet but the game isnt happening. I have tested to wait it out and that does nothing it doesnt even bring up a error. So I try and reconnect and i am stuck on login accept for hours again. I am guessing the server crashed. This happens pretty frequently to me . I have yet to see a post about it so maybe this is on my end . Anyone else have this problem
It sounds like a server crash, but maybe not. Usually when the server has crashed and you restart PA, it won't even offer to reconnect. But from what you are saying is that is does try to reconnect. That's kind of weird. Do you happen to know if the other players had the same problem? And how often does this happen to you? Every game that extends past 45 minutes? Do these games appear under the "My Games" in the Replays? If so, do you have the lobby IDs for those?
I've seen a couple of these with the current build, in fact there was one last night). Normally when the server crashes after a game slowdown, everyone in the game will be disconnected after a few min, but in this build both freezes that I've seen never resulted in a disconnect (waited about 15 min on one game) Quitting the game and relaunching will get a rejoin / abandon window, but attempting to rejoin will hang forever (or for at least 15 minutes) Here are the games in pastats, I'm not sure if game ID in pastats matches the lobby ID
No worries, one can extract the lobby IDs from those (11431857126799185988 and 10567989857137128058). I tried loading them, but they immediately failed. So something went wrong with that game. Hopefully Uber can see in their server logs what. They do see these crashes, but maybe @mkrater can prod an engineer to see what went wrong there.
Whoa! I was viewing this thread when I got pinged, heh. I'll have someone check out the IDs and see if anything comes up.
The game ID doesn't match up, but the replay that is linked on pa stats for the games gives away the lobby id.
Huh, I just had the same thing happen with a big FFA7. After 30 minutes or so, everything froze. Quiting PA and restarting gets me the reconnect prompt. Then it just gets stuck in the "Login Accepted" screen. I tried to grab the lobbyID with the debugger while in that screen, but it's just undefined. model.lobbyInfo() gives this though (in case that's helpful somehow): Code: Object{game_hostname:"",game_port:9001,local_game:false,game_password:undefined,lobby_id:undefined…} game_hostname:"" game_password:undefined game_port:9001 lobby_id:undefined local_game:false uuid:"" __proto__:Object Game started before 23:00 EST.[/code] edit: Managed to grab the lobby ID from the reconnect dialogue. It's 12910772185250936510.
So it sounds like we'll need to repro this one in-house to catch it. There appears to be a loop occurring, but we can't identify it yet.
still happening .... like 50% of my games end like this now . Anything i Can send you to help with this bug its really getting annoying
Can you link give replay ids for games it happens on or describe how your typical games look like? From what @mkrater said they know there is a bug but they are having trouble to track it down, so more info on how you get it might help.
Yeah I got this too yesterday. Quite annoying albeit we were gonna lose.