Does it really matter? If the game is hosted on PlayFab an individual client being 'Host' shouldn't have any impact. In fact does 'Host' even make any sense with a PlayFab hosted game? I know in other games which user a peering solution for state management Host matters for a number of reasons and choosing a Host then becomes based on a number of factors, latency to other players, memory and CPU being the most obvious. But if all the players are essentially Clients of PlayFab hosted servers, then a 'Host' doesn't seem to make much sense - except of course for determining who gets control of the session config (map, spec slots, shared etc). In that case though what should be the determining factors? Player who has been in the lobby longest? Some sort of name lookup to determine if the lobby creator was in a clan, and if so are there any other members in the lobby still; if so give it to one of them (been in lobby longest again?). You could go for a vote system to determine who manages lobby settings, or you try making it a complete free for all; that would be fun for 5 mins!
I think a vote system is a bit over the top for the lobby, and I think what we have now is probably good enough given how little this actually occurs.
Just DC'd from a game I was hosting but game thought I was still loading (this was still in-lobby). Upon RC'ing the guy who joined the lobby most recently was somehow made host, which doesn't make sense because Alwaysprime had been in there long before the guy who got promoted joined. This needs to be fixed. @mkrater
yeah this has been happening a lot to me as well. I am the host waiting waiting waiting then my friend says oh you're gone. I reconnect in some idiot is the host who doesn't know what to do.
WHY HAS THIS NOT BEEN FIXED YET Seriously... It's annoying having to rehost with a 25 meg server mod because I had to leave lobby, the guy I intended to be promoted didn't get promoted because someone had joined after him (WTF?!), I rejoined but didn't get host power again (WTF?!?!), and then the host never leaves so that I can regain host power. Uber... please... @jables