Release Build 80187

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by jables, April 7, 2015.

  1. andrehsu

    andrehsu Active Member

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    So the air death weapon still exists?
    and whats the radius if it still exists
  2. masterdigital

    masterdigital Uber Alumni

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    There is a known bug where the chronocam sometimes doesn't work after a long game. That issue probably still exists, but I have not yet attempted to fix it.

    Thanks for reporting this.
    warrenkc and DeathByDenim like this.
  3. Alpha2546

    Alpha2546 Post Master General

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    I love polish. Something the game really needs :) .

    Noticed pathfinding improvements. Haven't got units really stuck or doing weird. Good job on that.

    Keep these polish thingy's coming. :D
    Remy561 likes this.
  4. tesseracta

    tesseracta Active Member

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    I can't express enough how much these bugs need to be fixed even though I have said them already:

    Water units can land on water that isn't deep enough for it to swim through when dropped off by something that can carry units EDIT: Water fabricators (especially T2 Fabricators) can be picked up by other units and be placed on water, but they are glitched so that they cannot move sometimes for no known reason

    When attempting an area attack with nukes it won't allow for more than half the planet to be covered, aka the side you can normally see (on bigger [probably {around and above} 400 radius] planets)

    (Known bug) Units getting stuck between too closely put together factories

    Point of no return for planets which are being halley'ed towards other planets, but then the planet which is going to be hit, moves far away enough from the halley'ed planet, and the planet which is chasing has no choice but to follow, and it can't be canceled even though the planets might be more than half a solar system apart by the time you want to cancel it and maybe re-target. The reason why this would be a major bug is because when the other planet is using the sun as a "planet blocking" mechanism (which I can successfully do all the time) and there is nothing the other player can do to stop the planet and try and re-target when the planets aren't really that close, they are pretty much on opposite sides of the sun. The reason why you might want to stop the planet that is going toward the sun is because it is headed straight into the sun as long as the planet trying to use the sun as a blocking mechanism is still using it's own halleys to move. (and the planet that is running away HAS to be moving because otherwise the planet chasing the planet running away will maneuver around the sun either horizontally or vertically). But, please do not "fix" (if it is not a bug already) the fact that you can use the sun as a blocking mechanism (sun block :rolleyes:). If anything in this doesn't make sense and it's all jibber jabber, then ask me to make a long story short later (only if you need me to) because I'm kinda about to start a PA game.

    Probably being ignored for this, but unit cannons need to be able to be placed on water >.> (See thread on signature)
    Last edited: April 8, 2015
    warrenkc likes this.
  5. truthtaco

    truthtaco New Member

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    The game no longer alerts you when someone is building a Halley or Annihilazer. Is this normal?
  6. imperatorurist

    imperatorurist Member

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    Seems to be alot of server side issues with not giving the right information to clients, when reconnecting to the game you get no vision of your team's units, chrono cam not displaying resources other then what it ended on.

    Then theres radar not displaying all the dots of units so that army is really bigger then what it really was.
    tesseracta and elodea like this.
  7. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    The AI is broken on gas giants - it won't attack anything with its Avengers.
    tesseracta and elodea like this.
  8. perfectdark

    perfectdark Active Member

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    Are you planning on making it more intuitive to smash planets? Surely once you've build your halleys and everything is ready to go you should get something on screen which you can click to launch it. I smashed my first planet at the weekend but it took me a fair bit of clicking to find out how to do it.
  9. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Isn't it a button on the right hand side of the screen?
  10. perfectdark

    perfectdark Active Member

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    I don't know. I think I had to click something to view the list of planets, which then showed one was ready to be launched, which then took me into a menu where I could choose which planet to smash it into, which then meant I needed to exit that menu, find the planet I'm after, make a note of the name, re-enter that menu and click launch.

    It would be easier if it just came up as a flashing red launch button and the launch menu included some indicator of which planets are populated such as showing the last known locations of all commanders or something.

    The whole thing felt a bit fiddly to me especially as this was a key features used in all of the marketing material. A new player not that into the game may not be so forgiving as to search through the menus and then complain when they can't find it, they will just leave and never play again.
    elodea likes this.
  11. andrehsu

    andrehsu Active Member

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    You could just select the target planet via the top right planet panel..... derp
  12. uggla88

    uggla88 New Member

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    I have exactly the same bug, all units are invisible after a reconnect.
    By the way this is happening quite often because of the UI freeze with Linux that can only be fixed by restarting PA.

    Hopefully this will be fixed really soon as this is really painful.
    Best regards.
  13. uggla88

    uggla88 New Member

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    Me as well...

    Best regards.
  14. perfectdark

    perfectdark Active Member

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    Why can't I just click on the weapon, then click on the target LIKE YOU DO WITH EVERY OTHER WEAPON IN THE GAME?
  15. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    From the Linux bugs thread (note this reply is not specific to Linux):

  16. perfectdark

    perfectdark Active Member

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    Plus, while I'm having a go I might as well ask the obvious. Why isn't there a standard in game solar system replicating our very own? Sure, **** saturns rings off and any moons aside from Earth's, but surely this is an easy win to get people to instantly connect with the game.
    tenaciousc likes this.
  17. Remy561

    Remy561 Post Master General

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    There was an official map for the inner four planets, but it was removed. I guess that nobody played it ;)
  18. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Sometimes the wrong colour is assigned to a shared army (this has been around a while I think). Here I am yellow, but end up as brown. I suspect if the video started earlier we'd see my partner was brown before I enabled shared armies.

    elodea likes this.
  19. andrehsu

    andrehsu Active Member

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    Calm down... The current way makes more sense since there is a number of halleys required to launch a planet. A big launch button is also much easier to find than digging through your buildings. Not to mention that halleys are designed to be game enders, so special rules for them wouldn't be a surprise. Halleys are also more monumental than weaponas such as holkins or nukes
  20. tenaciousc

    tenaciousc Active Member

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    Even if nobody played it, why remove it? I'd love an epic map of our solar system with all nine planets. Yes, nine, love you Pluto, call me.

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