More possible functions for key binding. - - Camera Toggle, start, and a stop a middle-button-like mode where the planet follows the pointer. These only uses the regular keypress event keybinding logic. Hold to pan operates closer to the middle mouse button. I've found regular keys awkward to use this way, but space or an underused modifier may be more comfortable. Focus planet 1-16. There is also a patch that makes next and previous planet work to always focus a planet when you were focused on the sun. Fixed planet anchors Look at... - North pole - South pole - Equator, 0 degrees - Equator, 90 degrees - Equator, 180 degrees - Equator, 270 degrees Spectator Vision - All players - Previous player - Next player - Player N (1-10) Selection Select all on screen (double tap for planet) - Bot - Tank (aka vehicles) - Orbital - Combat Orbital - Orbital Factory - Advanced Factory - Fighter - Air Transport - Scout - Radar (recon) - Matching selection Selection Edit - Only one in selection (double tap to track) - Halve selection (within each unit type) Only X in Selection and Remove X from Selection: - Construction (e.g. combat fabs) - Bot - Tank (aka vehicles) - Heavy (e.g. infernos) - Land - Air - Fighter - Transport - Scout - Naval - Orbital - Advanced Alternate ESC/Back I tend to hit ESC too many times and end up with an option menu. Breaks out all the pieces. Tip: keep the basic version bound to something in case the mod gets turned off for any reason. - Navigate back (no menu) - Open option menu - Close option menu - Toggle option menu - Close chronocam - Cancel selection - Clear build sequence - End fab mode - End command mode Changes ## 1.8.0 - Select all air transport on screen, double tap for planet - Add/remove transports from selection ## 1.7.0 - Select all radar on screen, double tap for planet
If you enable the camera movement on key down and disable it on key up isn't it the same thing? Great thing there are people asking for this once every time.
Sure, but vanilla bindings only do press events. I'll have to think and tinker more to make up and down events work with the other input management the game is doing.
Yeah, I kind of skip over the background. Install the mod manager, and then go to available mods.
Keybind Extensions 1.2.0 - spectator vision: all, player N, previous/next - only/remove fighters in selection - only/remove scouts in selection - only/remove construction in selection (e.g. combat fabs) - only/remove heavies in selection (e.g. infernos) - select all bot/tank/fighter/scout on screen (double tap for planet)
Really hoping to get this working with Titans. I use [space] to pan. MMB is not a good option. Haven't figured out how to enable the mod yet though.
Keybind Extensions 1.3.1 - Redo focus planet handling with updated camera api - Hack for next/prev planet no longer required Have not made a complete review of functions yet.
Keybind Extensions 1.3.2 - Mistaken in removing hack for next/prev planet; base does not work in single-planet system
Mostly, the issue I have is that I want to be able to pan the camera around with the mouse using something other than the middle mouse button. I find the amount of pressure required to press the MMB compared to the right or left mouse buttons is unreasonable for this function. Panning is something I'm constantly doing, so I want to map this to SPACEBAR instead. Then, it would work exactly like Adobe Photoshop's panning, which would be perfect.
Keybind Extensions 1.5.0 - Select all orbital-factory/advanced-factory on screen (double tap for planet)
Thanks for pointing this out in my old thread @wondible, just read this thread now and the extension looks great, i've installed it already. Can't wait to try it.