I would totally appreciate it if you just open the code that is run when engine.asyncCall('ubernet.joinGame', lobbyId) is executed and paste it here or tell me if there are any obvious "if state is xyz do not do anything". As it stands all I can see is that the method seems to be called and then just doesn't do anything at all. No callbacks whatsoever, no network connection to be observed. I can't find any engine calls that obviously influence it :/
I looked at the bound function, and to summarize: 1) we make a call to "/GameAcquisition/Matchmake" via curl. 2) the call will be delayed if there are more than 6 calls pending. There is probably something going wrong with the backlog handling. You might be able to make the call via ajax instead of going through the c++ client.
that is an idea, though Id love to understand the real cause of it. It may actually be something that happens in unmodded PA as well, just not as often.
@edwood @mabn, I want to try a few things, if any of you is around and has time for a teamviewer debug session please contact me in the chat
I've done more debugging on this with @incawarrior and verified that it seems that all ubernet calls are blocked. This seems to be triggered by something from PA Chat, even when I remove all engine calls from it, so it should not have any influence on the engine stuff. Replacing the call I want to make with ajax works completely fine. I am considering to write a mod that basically hooks into engine.call and replaces all calls to ubernet.... with ajax to completely circumvent the issue, as I can't see why the ubernet calls would stall. To my knowledge loading the chat doesn't do a single extra ubernet call compared to not loading the chat, so I don't understand why it has this influence. EDIT: further debugging with @buckfast9 Nothing in PAs log files, disabling autojoin of the chat postpones the issue, after a few minutes it hits again.
Yesterday I tried to reproduce the issue of split games when using the invite function. I could not reproduce it. Can anybody please give me: - a detailed way to reproduce - their exact mod configuration, what mods are installed? - any other things they may think are related.
So, was just checking out the "extra" tab on PAStats and stumbled upon the Memorable Achievements section with game #89528 as the record holder for the most alive units at a crazy 75755 unit count. However when you scroll to the bottom to view individual units/buildings It says he only had 31295 total alive units so which one is correct? I only ask because I am currently attempting to break the record and just want a fair comparison The game version that record was set in was very old so it could very well be a bug in which case it would be very generous of you to remove that game and allow a new record holder to step in?
The graph is correct. The tracking of "unit build" is not perfect and starts to fail when you overload the game, so for really big games the army information is not perfectly accurate.
Alright, cheers. Good to know. Looks like I still have a while to go if I want to beat that record then, currently at 44k units with 4% sim speed xP
just be careful: There is code that disconnects you from the server if you dont make any mouse movement for 2 hours.
Is this "split games" the problem that occurs when inviting from your friends list and then getting a pastats issue?
And then getting a pa stats issue? What do you mean by that? All I know is that it is related to inviting people to games.
That being PAstats failing to report. I was told that was the issue happening a couple times during some of the recent tourneys so I wanted to confirm if that was in fact the issue at hand.
There is an issue that is most likely related to weird teamsetups that can cause reporting to fail completely (and spam errors in my server log), but split games have nothing to do with it. A split game is a game that creates multiple games on PA Stats, worst case one game per player who reports. It happens when the mod code inside the players PA fails and mixes up lobbyids. For a tournament that is probably the same as "failed to report". It seems when you invite people into a game that can happen somehow, but I have not been able to reproduce it locally.
I don't think I've had this issue before, I can run a few test games later and see if I can get any results and a reproduction method.