What planetary annihilation needs right now is to increase the amount of combat going on between planets, not only on planets. What I propose is a large advanced building that can fire a powerful beam between planets, causing chaos on the surface. The firing range of the weapon will be limited to firing on the visible side of the enemy planet, and will have to wait for the planet to come into visual. The weapon would be visible from a orbital radar, (just like a Halley or a Catalyst.) The weapon will fire randomly on the surface of the hostile planet, but deal massive damage and generate small craters on the surface. It would be extremely difficult to sustain more than one, due to their visibility and power consumption. :O giant build-able superweapon to fire between planets. (Nope, not an annihilaser ) I have a bit of art to go with this, but as a new user I cannot paste it.
The difference between the halley and catalyst and this is that they are biome-specific, and map makers can choose not to include them if they wanted to. With this it seems like it will be able to be buildable everywhere, without counters and such. Also, whats up with the bold.
This sounds a bit like the Orbital Warfare Overhaul mod as well as my own. Admittedly both mods don't have a structure but a unit and no it's not random but I believe OWO's version does damage in a large radius like my 1 does. Both mods don't leave craters admittedly but with the last couple of patches you can't build on craters. I'd say no to this idea because the idea of a structure doing what you're thinking is a no go. I prefer knowing where my weapon is pointing and why.
i honestly wouldn't mind to have some sort of interplanetary artillery ... something that enforces engagement but does't just win you the game once build ...
maybe an orbital unit and force solar arrays around it in order to fire? make it larger than the orbital factory too with less health
Interplanetary bombardment sounds cool! It could be like a very small planet impact, with much less accuracy in terms of desired target area
What could possibly go wrong about a scatter weapon which strikes random positions on the planet and can only ever fire if target and source coincidently face each other... That thing is about as threatening or funny as a misfiring artillery installation which can only hit the enemy if it's a Thursday, but not during new moon, and only if you are wearing a pink and a purple sock. And otherwise it will just self-destroy. Ok, I must confess that would be somewhat funny, but still not threatening. Apart from that -1 for the failed attempt of ASCII-art in the title, and another -1 for messing with the font.
Ouch. Anyway, only factor is that the point you are shooting from is within visual of the enemy. Thats it.
Having 100% accuracy will make the weapon OP. Keep in mind it makes small crates, so a radar gets into orbit, one shot and their commander is down. Way too OP.