PTE build 79270-pte now up

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by jables, February 16, 2015.

  1. jables

    jables Uber Employee

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    It needed more work before it was ready to go to stable, and we are close to that, sooo it get's pulled until we can get it working better.
    squishypon3, cdrkf and doud like this.
  2. planktum

    planktum Post Master General

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    How are your factories built close together? If you are using a mod to do this, then it is you own fault that the units are getting stuck.
  3. Alpha2546

    Alpha2546 Post Master General

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    Aah thanks for taking the time to explain it!

    Yes I place my factory's most of the time one by one. Gives me more control with building my base and placing factory's close to eachother

    @Planktum get a factory close to a different factory and turn it and it'll hook up that close. Like this

  4. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    tbh while I was skeptical of the increase factory size at first I quickly didnt notice any issues anymore, though I rarely played smaller maps like forge.
    The pathfinding issue it creates are imho much worse than having a little less space and the issue of "I blocked my mex" is there either way.
    tatsujb likes this.
  5. jables

    jables Uber Employee

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    There were other issues. It'll be back once those are solved. :)
    cdrkf likes this.
  6. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    oh, didn't notice any other problems. Units getting stuck in factories is quite a bad issue, I hope you will quickly fix those other issues.
  7. jables

    jables Uber Employee

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    Agreed, but as this is what is currently in stable, there is no change. We'll get the fix in when it's working correctly though.
    cdrkf and Remy561 like this.
  8. nixtempestas

    nixtempestas Post Master General

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    the increase to splash and full damage radius ought to really help the grenadier against unit blobs.

    will be interesting to see how it works out...
    Remy561 likes this.
  9. mikeyh

    mikeyh Post Master General

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    On OS X there seems to be a lot of:
    • Requesting resource read for [filename] with internal id [id] reported FAIL
    They seem to impact game load and game start.

    Also confirmed with --nomods.

    [12:09:08.633] INFO [COUI] PID: 892 | -1 23:09:08.630826 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/atlas/icon_atlas/img/strategic_icons/icon_si_base_structure.png with internal id 3558 reported FAIL
    [12:09:08.633] INFO [COUI] PID: 892 | -1 23:09:08.630846 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/game/live_game/img/build_bar/units/base_structure.png with internal id 3559 reported FAIL
    [12:09:08.977] INFO [COUI] PID: 892 | -1 23:09:08.776278 Could not recognize the mime type of coui://ui/main/shared/css/font/Sansation_Regular-webfont.ttf
    [12:09:09.014] INFO [COUI] PID: 892 | -1 23:09:08.931870 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/atlas/icon_atlas/img/strategic_icons/icon_si_base_structure.png with internal id 3566 reported FAIL
    [12:09:09.014] INFO [COUI] PID: 892 | -1 23:09:08.931891 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/game/live_game/img/build_bar/units/base_structure.png with internal id 3567 reported FAIL
    [12:09:09.014] INFO [COUI] PID: 892 | -1 23:09:08.932202 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/atlas/icon_atlas/img/strategic_icons/icon_si_base_structure.png with internal id 3569 reported FAIL
    [12:09:09.015] INFO [COUI] PID: 892 | -1 23:09:08.932218 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/game/live_game/img/build_bar/units/base_structure.png with internal id 3570 reported FAIL
    [12:09:14.747] INFO [COUI] PID: 892 | -1 23:09:13.501618 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/atlas/icon_atlas/img/strategic_icons/icon_si_base_structure.png with internal id 3736 reported FAIL
    [12:09:14.748] INFO [COUI] PID: 892 | -1 23:09:13.501632 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/game/live_game/img/build_bar/units/base_structure.png with internal id 3737 reported FAIL
    [12:09:20.927] INFO [COUI] PID: 892 | -1 23:09:20.106069 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/atlas/icon_atlas/img/strategic_icons/icon_si_base_structure.png with internal id 3765 reported FAIL
    [12:09:20.927] INFO [COUI] PID: 892 | -1 23:09:20.106108 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/game/live_game/img/build_bar/units/base_structure.png with internal id 3766 reported FAIL
    [12:09:23.728] INFO [COUI] PID: 892 | -1 23:09:21.688181 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/atlas/icon_atlas/img/strategic_icons/icon_si_base_flyer.png with internal id 3813 reported FAIL
    [12:09:23.729] INFO [COUI] PID: 892 | -1 23:09:21.688201 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/game/live_game/img/build_bar/units/base_flyer.png with internal id 3814 reported FAIL
    [12:09:24.013] INFO [COUI] PID: 892 | -1 23:09:21.747017 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/atlas/icon_atlas/img/strategic_icons/icon_si_base_flyer.png with internal id 3837 reported FAIL
    [12:09:24.013] INFO [COUI] PID: 892 | -1 23:09:21.747041 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/game/live_game/img/build_bar/units/base_flyer.png with internal id 3838 reported FAIL
    [12:09:24.128] INFO [COUI] PID: 892 | -1 23:09:22.166904 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/game/live_game/img/build_bar/units/base_commander.png with internal id 3859 reported FAIL
    [12:09:24.165] INFO [COUI] PID: 892 | -1 23:09:22.549253 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/atlas/icon_atlas/img/strategic_icons/icon_si_base_flyer.png with internal id 3872 reported FAIL
    [12:09:24.165] INFO [COUI] PID: 892 | -1 23:09:22.549273 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/game/live_game/img/build_bar/units/base_flyer.png with internal id 3873 reported FAIL
    [12:09:24.238] INFO [COUI] PID: 892 | -1 23:09:22.916151 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/atlas/icon_atlas/img/strategic_icons/icon_si_base_flyer.png with internal id 3891 reported FAIL
    [12:09:24.238] INFO [COUI] PID: 892 | -1 23:09:22.916178 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/game/live_game/img/build_bar/units/base_flyer.png with internal id 3892 reported FAIL
    [12:09:24.273] INFO [COUI] PID: 892 | -1 23:09:23.123267 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/game/live_game/img/build_bar/units/base_commander.png with internal id 3903 reported FAIL
    [12:09:25.990] INFO [COUI] PID: 892 | -1 23:09:25.990087 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/game/live_game/img/build_bar/units/base_commander.png with internal id 3950 reported FAIL
    [12:09:28.190] INFO [COUI] PID: 892 | -1 23:09:26.667251 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/game/live_game/img/build_bar/units/base_commander.png with internal id 3968 reported FAIL
    [12:09:28.277] INFO [COUI] PID: 892 | -1 23:09:26.717809 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/atlas/icon_atlas/img/strategic_icons/icon_si_base_flyer.png with internal id 3974 reported FAIL
    [12:09:28.278] INFO [COUI] PID: 892 | -1 23:09:26.717828 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/game/live_game/img/build_bar/units/base_flyer.png with internal id 3975 reported FAIL
    [12:09:28.521] INFO [COUI] PID: 892 | -1 23:09:27.417293 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/game/live_game/img/build_bar/units/base_commander.png with internal id 4007 reported FAIL
    [12:09:28.599] INFO [COUI] PID: 892 | -1 23:09:27.531184 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/game/live_game/img/build_bar/units/imperial_base.png with internal id 4015 reported FAIL
    [12:09:28.637] INFO [COUI] PID: 892 | -1 23:09:28.064944 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/game/live_game/img/build_bar/units/imperial_base.png with internal id 4030 reported FAIL
    [12:09:31.057] INFO [COUI] PID: 892 | -1 23:09:31.055488 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/game/live_game/img/build_bar/units/imperial_base.png with internal id 4044 reported FAIL
    [12:09:31.581] INFO [COUI] PID: 892 | -1 23:09:31.060476 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/game/live_game/img/build_bar/units/imperial_base.png with internal id 4057 reported FAIL
    [12:09:31.831] INFO [COUI] PID: 892 | -1 23:09:31.156420 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/game/live_game/img/build_bar/units/imperial_base.png with internal id 4072 reported FAIL
    [12:10:00.431] INFO sendLandingLocationSelected
    [12:10:01.464] INFO handleLaunchSuccess
    [12:10:10.442] INFO [COUI] Argument conversion failed: Wrong type - expected Integer, got Null while converting argument 0 for handler holodeck.setCommanderId
    [12:10:10.442] INFO ClientWorld::updateObservability - Updating [18353]
    [12:10:10.444] INFO setMusic /Music/Music_Launch_Commander
    [12:10:10.445] INFO handleLaunchSuccess
    [12:10:10.445] INFO handleAllLandingsSelected
    [12:10:17.246] INFO [COUI] PID: 892 | -1 23:10:17.173443 Could not recognize the mime type of coui://ui/main/shared/css/font/trebuc.ttf
    [12:10:18.005] INFO [COUI] PID: 892 | -1 23:10:17.993079 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/game/live_game/img/build_bar/units/quad_base.png with internal id 4988 reported FAIL
    There are another 188 after the snip.
    Last edited: March 11, 2015
  10. mayhemster

    mayhemster Well-Known Member

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    Playing around with so many variables is fine - but please don't put this live on your Friday PM, either Thursday or leave it until the weekend is done - pwetty pwease? This looks like grenadiers might be viable but it needs more than 4 hours of play testing to work that out before a tournament final!
  11. iacondios

    iacondios Active Member

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    @sorian, your neural networks need some tuning... just played a game with an AI that got stuck in some loop for the first 25 minutes. It built 3 power plants, an orbital radar, and a single vehicle factory, and proceeded to mass produce units by assisting the lone factory with the comm and one veh builder. It did this for 25 minutes until a significant raid by another AI disturbed him enough to build his first metal extractor (ignoring the other two nearby...) and then a few additional factories. "Absurd" AI indeed... will edit in replayID when available.

    I think he might have got confused by starting on land, but being hedged in by water and unpathable CSG or something. I noticed a few builds earlier that if the AI started in water, their refusal to use the plebeian "single unit manual transport" astraeus led to them staying on their starting planet; this might be a similar problem?
  12. planktum

    planktum Post Master General

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    Can you please remove this ability from the commander too? I hate seeing people build walls in the middle of combat.
    exterminans likes this.
  13. planktum

    planktum Post Master General

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    This looks more like a UI bug than anything else. If you can build them this close if you place them manually, then the area build command should also build them this close. I've always disliked the way building placement works in this game and if people have ways to circumvent this by making your base in a smaller area then this goes against Uber's design philosophy for base building.

    Vehicle Factory
    -Area Build Separation increased to 6 from 3

    I believe they do this because they don't want people building up in a small area? Am I correct? But none of these changes make any difference because building placement can all be modded (UI). i.e. jig placement mod.

    @jables please comment.
  14. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    You are mixing up things. Afaik there are multiple values at work here:
    1) the placement size, used by server and client
    2) the size of the structure, used by server and client
    3) the area build pattern config, which is only important for the client

    What do they do?

    The placement size is the size that a building needs so you can place it. This was the value they upped before the lastest PTE. With this at a value X you will absolutely need the space X to place the building. Can't mod it away. I guess if you modify the value client side to be lower you will be able to seemingly place the building and then it will fail once the server gets to validate it. You can most likely increase the value, this will make your client prevent you from placing the building in some locations where the server would allow it.

    The size of the structure is the size the finished structure has for pathfinding. The size of the actual object in the gameplay world basically. This is usually smaller than the placement size. In the changes before the latest PTE this was substantially smaller than the placement size, resulting in forced larger gaps between factories, making it easier on pathfinding to do its work.
    Walls for example work in the other direction: Their placement size is smaller than their model size, so you can place them really tight together to make a closed wall.

    The area build pattern is the configuration for area builds. It dictates in what distance and what pattern area build will place multiple buildings. Clients get to chose what pattern they want, the server does not care. However if your pattern tries to place buildings closer than the placement size would allow the server will stop you.

    The issue with the jigs is that they only have a certain spacing on the area build pattern. That's client side and you can change it. Since jigs have a certain explosion area Uber should just set the area build pattern to work together with that. Settings the placement size for jigs to be really big would mean you cannot place jigs close to any other structure and you cannot ever place them close enough together for chain reactions, even if you want to.
    Alpha2546 and stuart98 like this.
  15. tesseracta

    tesseracta Active Member

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    What about unit cannons on water??? :(
  16. Sorian

    Sorian Official PA

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    1) There were no neural network changes in this build
    2) Neural networks have nothing to do with what you just stated.
  17. iacondios

    iacondios Active Member

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    My bad. Scratch that then, the AI in general still has quite a few edge cases of brokenness. Unless the rumored neural networks in the works fix that? If that is the case, then carry on
  18. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Please keep the commanders ability to build walls. I like the ability to use the commander offensively with some chance of survival and walls permit this (to a limited extent). The com is already petty weak in combat.

    I'm not against the combat fabber change though.
  19. wpmarshall

    wpmarshall Planetary Moderator

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    So, I've been out of the loop a while - which PTE are we on now and have any since the new wall art was added been pushed to live? I have barely touched PA for a while (heresy I know D: ) but I'd like to get my toes back in the water so to speak as things have not been going great for me in other circumstances and need some good ol' fun :D
  20. temeter

    temeter Well-Known Member

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    The neural network is only responsible for the AIs managing platoons, deciding what, when and how to attack by throwing down a bunch of values through the network. You see the system working when the AI is happily microing around platoons and only trying to take the fights it wants or needs to.

    E.g. the AI managing ships or combat spacecraft is much less clever due to the lack of a neural network for this level. Basebuilding doesn't need networks at all.

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