I had trouble with keeping the title short. I wanted: A New Lobby Should Not Load a System Automatically. We are almost always going to want to choose the system instead of accepting the one the lobby starts loading for us. Also while we are on this note: Loading a System should not halt the UI. Threading is a thing now. It's been around for a while. The UI should always be responsive.
I think the issue IS threading. The UI is a group of processes completely different from PA. I am not quite sure why it would lag like that, my only idea is that the priority of the UI is too low somehow.
This times 1000. Loading PA systems doesn't just halt the game UI; my entire system stutters (though I am on older gen hardware). Even music playback, which can often play on during a whole bunch of computer problems, stutters under the load of planets being thrown at it. Whyyyyyyyy Uber
Idk changing the threads priority is not that hard, dont you think that if that was the cause for the ui lag they'd already fix it.
I am not saying that setting some generic "thread priority" setting is the solution, however as it stands the UI locks up when you load a planet. The UI is some coherent process, the planet loads in pa.exe. The two processes communicate via messages with each other, completely asynchronous. Can't think of a reason why that would not happen apart from "building planets is using multiple cores so well that it locks up your system"
Maybe they should implement a rule for planet generation that uses n-1 cores, where n is your core count (i guess to would have to set a forced minimum of 1 core, in case someone loaded pa up on a single core machine ).