I'm done with PA tell i can play without having to manually space my factories in ranked so that i dont lose my start fabs to myself. you send them in opposite direction of factory rally and they will just get themselves stuck between the factories. they try and path and just derp.
I have always wondered why it happens that it looks like you have lots of place to build a factory you won't simply be able to build it. I don't know if it's a bug or if it's related to any kind of engine limitation.
I was talking about the pathfinding problem, that should be solved in PTE by making the spacing bigger, which is what you are seeing. It isnt a bug or limitation, it is a setting called placement size that was increased for factories so you can't place them in a way that creates walls.
I was having the same problem in stable ranked games. Specially Forge, that map is a pathfinding nightmare not only because of units getting stuck between factories but also units trying to walk straight through non-pathable terrain.