[POLL] Paid Add-on DLC

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by killerkiwijuice, February 24, 2015.


Would you buy a DLC for PA?

  1. yes

    80 vote(s)
  2. no

    48 vote(s)
  3. depends on date of release

    15 vote(s)
  1. mjshorty

    mjshorty Well-Known Member

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    However...If we want to make the Commanders more valuable....

    Mah idea is that if you buy a commander from the armory, it also allows you to load that commander as a faction leader in the galactic war. When you fight that faction leader, you get a unique system and some interesting mechanics
    (Xinthar, you have one large lava planet, but occasionally the Xinthar commander will warp in an astroid and use it to smash into the lava planet, or the Tokamaktech controls an ancient factory on a metal planet that spawns a type of dox that can warp to wherever they want, and have an extra anti-air missile similar to those AA vehicles)

    Another problem is that each encounter would cost 5-10$ which is VERY expensive DLC content lol, would have to nerf armory prices to 1 or 2$

    Though i do like this idea, you already start off with 7 (i think) commanders when you buy PA. And it allows you to pick and choose your boss fights, or randomize it for RNG hapiness that Uber seems to crave from their Galactic War.

    Im sick of the 4 astroids, 3 metal, or 2 ice planets that you encounter in the galactic war, and the 4, 3, 2 commanders each prospectively.
  2. Bgrmystr2

    Bgrmystr2 Active Member

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    Not true. I have never once purchased a DLC online for any game at all. I have went out and purchased expansions and DLC by physical copy at stores, but I've never actually downloaded any DownLoadable Content online.

    All DLC can be called expansions, sure. I can't argue against that. Not all expansions are DLC. Just wanna, you know, throw that out there.

    Edit : Just so I can have a few examples of physical expansions that are not DLC.
    Red Alert : Counterstrike / Aftermath, Sim City 3000 Unlimited, Diablo II Lord of Destruction, etc.
    Also, fix'd.
    Last edited: February 25, 2015
  3. jamesw100

    jamesw100 Member

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    DLC is a bad, bad, retarded word. Poll should be: Would you give Uber more money?
  4. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    It's actually an initialism.
  5. theseeker2

    theseeker2 Well-Known Member

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    does it matter
  6. Bersercker

    Bersercker New Member

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    What about calling next big patch "gold edition" or something instead? "Feature complete edition". :)Wouldn't that generate re-reviews as well? Kinda feel that doing dlc's might make some money but wouldn't bring many sales of the base game, while "addon" needs something big, like second faction, or underwater bases(just kidding), or t3, or whatever, which would require significant time and money to make. Not sure if the latter if feasible for Uber right now. Improving "public opinion" and then doing a second kickstarter for the addon might be a better idea.
  7. trilioth

    trilioth Member

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    I know this much has been said already, "A DLC (read expansion too) will divide the community."

    The community is small enough as it is. I wouldn't hold it against Uber Entertainment for doing what it needs to do to survive as a business, but the community doesn't need to be split between those who bought the DLC/Expansion and those who did not. Those who want to support Uber Entertainment can buy more commander skins.

    If the DLC/Expansion were something that didn't affect competitive play and/or multiplayer lobbies, then I'd be all for it. I voted no, out of fear of the opposite.

    I don't see a story-based campaign happening for this game. The premise is simple. Machines wake up finding their makers gone, but they remained programmed to destroy and dominate. I don't see how a story could fit in.

    Adding more depth to single-player is fine. Galactic War definitely needs some polish.

    More units... let's not please. Maybe a few for orbital such as what the Orbital Warfare mod has introduced, but if so then that should be part of the original game in my opinion.

    The poll is skewed, I think, with "casuals" casting more votes than competitive players. I'm pretty sure I've seen a poll where there were more votes towards casual play than otherwise.

    May the chips fall were they may. Uber has provided me with hours of entertainment already. What the future brings is a mystery. For me, this game has a high replayability rating, because of the competitive aspect. Since the original Starcraft, there has not been a better RTS community IMO.
    Last edited: February 25, 2015
    planktum likes this.
  8. zweistein000

    zweistein000 Post Master General

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    Why not just make these as a part of a regular update? Anything that affects actual gameplay shouldn't be in a DLC. Some of us are severely limited when it comes to founding (it took me 6 years to save up 1300 EUR for my computer and half of that was supplied by the rest of my family). This in addition to the fact that PA is primarily a MP game would leave the community segregated.

    But I do agree with cosmetic DLC or graphical enhancements DLC. Anything that doesn't affect gameplay is welcome as it supports the continued development of the game.
  9. maxcomander

    maxcomander Active Member

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    you would prefer said community to shrink further as new games come out drawing people away? Having an expantion pack may actually expand the community as it draws back people who love the game but have got bored....

    In my opinion uber needs a big new content pack to keep it's comunity from from stagnating. Either that or a new game but we all saw how that went down. :(
    tunsel11 likes this.
  10. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    If they had dlc like this, the win-win situation would be to make the multiplayer outcome of it one camp. Whether that be grant it to multiplayer for free, or grant it to free players who play multiplayer with someone who has it via playfab or whatever.

    Dividing up the community is a risk, as well as letting it grow stagnant. Best to do both to avoid either.
  11. maxcomander

    maxcomander Active Member

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    Agreed a solution that keeps both camps happy would be ideal however I'm not so sure that its practical. I think to make an expantion pack on the scale that is needed means a lot of money and generating that money is not going to be easy, giving away 50% of your content for free is going to cut out a lot of much needed funding.
    Last edited: February 25, 2015
  12. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    I've glanced through the various comments. I'm in the camp that agrees a 'DLC' is probably a bad idea (the term isn't exactly popular- as it brings up the idea of something that should have been in the game and was held back for more money, right or wrong Uber have had enough controversy with PA).

    I think if anything Uber need to release something new, which is closely related to PA (like how SupCom gave way to Forges Alliance). It would effectively be an expansion, potentially it could even share multi-player with the base game- however I think it needs to do a few things to be accepted and well received:

    1: Have a name that indicates it's a new 'chapter' in PA
    2: Introduce something 'new', and by that I mean something above / beyond the scope of the goals listed in the Kickstarter campaign (not a small undertaking as they were pretty comprehensive with the KS to be honest).
    - Examples could include a more traditional single player campaign mode, as well as additional factions and such.

    The advantage of following the above will be:
    - It will strengthen the game in areas where it's currently weak and attracts criticism.
    - It provides a new opportunity for fresh reviews, which helps to draw attention to all the other great developments done in the base game that people may currently be unaware of based on the launch day reviews.
    - It would hopefully avoid any negative rubbish about DLC muddying the waters of what is actually being offered.

    Edit: to answer the OP @killerkiwijuice, yes I'd be interested in some paid new content for PA, however I can't vote 'yes' on your poll, as a paid DLC pack would turn into a disaster imo. Any new paid for content needs to be more clearly defined as something new to avoid such issues.
    Zaphys and theseeker2 like this.
  13. goofyz3

    goofyz3 Active Member

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    I would give them more money but better no dlc. It always divides the community/players.

    Why not planetary annihilation 2 :).
    Or make the commanders available on steam and also only 2 euro or dollar and not 10. 10 is too much. That's 1/5 of a full game.
  14. planktum

    planktum Post Master General

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    PA is the best RTS ever!!! I'll be playing PA for years to come. PA is epic, end of story.
    gmase likes this.
  15. imperatorurist

    imperatorurist Member

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    DLC?! Xpacks use to mean something back in the day... with the game as it is it would just be salt to the wound.
  16. theseeker2

    theseeker2 Well-Known Member

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    I do not really care what the price of commanders are, they are not functionally different, price only concerns me for functional things.
  17. theshinesprites

    theshinesprites New Member

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    I don't care what they add to any DLC, as long as it works something akin to this (using a new gamemode as an example:

    -You buy the DLC for x moneys, allowing you to host games with this DLC gamemode.
    -People who do not own the DLC do not need it to play the gamemode.
    -People who wish to host the gamemode will need the DLC, including offline.
    Or, why not new units?
    -You buy unit DLC
    -Games you host that have this DLC enabled allows anyone to use this unit
    -You do not need the DLC to use the unit. Only to host servers with this unit, including offline.

    This allows people to have their special little features that they may wish for, but prevents the whole "x has units y doesn't, causing z balance issues"
    billthebluebot and theseeker2 like this.
  18. theseeker2

    theseeker2 Well-Known Member

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    will be
    once bloody GW is finished
  19. DarkGift

    DarkGift New Member

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    I voted yes, but don't have much interest in DLC per se. Would just like to see them continue working on the game. If at some point in time they said that there were two options: Close shop or ask for more money to continue development; I'd happily hand over more money.
    duncane likes this.
  20. maxcomander

    maxcomander Active Member

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    As will I ;) The issue here is not that pa isn't great but that I want to re-kindle those early days when I was playing Pa every night and for that to happen It's going to take some kind of expantion pack. Be it orbital motherships, epic super units, a new faction hell I'd even take a full on graphics update (particularly for planet smashing).

    For something like that I'd happily pay £30-£60 seeing as I got 400hrs plus gaming pleasure for my last £60 pay out wich beets almost any other game I've baught lately for £/hour value. :)

    Edit: Man it's actualy 542 houres on steam alone, not counting the times I've used the pa launcher...
    Last edited: February 26, 2015
  21. mjshorty

    mjshorty Well-Known Member

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    God...65 votes for DLC? I hope its just people saying yes to commander skins D=
    tunsel11 likes this.

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