The sorian PA AI thread

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Quitch, December 23, 2014.

  1. galaxyisos

    galaxyisos Member

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    i can understand unit cap for online games but for offline games there shouldnt be a limit.
    ace63 and Quitch like this.
  2. websterx01

    websterx01 Post Master General

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    Really afraid of our taking up all the server resources with its agressiveness? :p
  3. towerbabbel

    towerbabbel Active Member

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    As a precaution for when the AI becomes sentient and tries to take over the world?
    theseeker2 and stuart98 like this.
  4. stevenrs11

    stevenrs11 Active Member

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    I've noticed that when left alone on a planet, the AI will tend to fill up its available population with dox, and not much else.

    Does it know to destroy its units to make room for more appropriate units for defending a planet/inavading via teles? Which it actually does very well I've encountered.
  5. mjshorty

    mjshorty Well-Known Member

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    AI PTE Report (like the one before 77965 where apperently the AI makes better attack choices...have to check that out)
    ~~Bad Stuff
    Ok, im still going to hit AI on orbital, because it desperately needs improvement.
    Here we have 3 separate AI on a gas giant, building 2-3 jigz each...(ya thats it, even though eco suggests they build more) and they start building 5-6 orbital factories, using only 1 anyways, and building NO avengers nor Fabbers, and the units they do build (SXX and Radar) that can be sent to different planets are completely forgotten and jumbled together....with other AI stuff...which makes for very weird traffic jams...
    AI still sucks at invading, why is it whenever it lands a fabber it decides to build mexes or power plants? and even when they build teleporters they will often not link the teleporters for a while and it ends up getting destroyed when they could have been streaming in units...
    ~~Good Stuff
    i read that you made it so AI will never use orbital transports for commanders, thats brilliant, ill take your word on the fact that it works, and i approve.
    AI is much faster at expanding now, though i still think it can be greedy if it finds itself alone on a planet, and take a lot more mex
    Really the good points of AI is its great at single planet brawling, it makes good choices with attack avenues and uses eco and builds many factories to create larger armies. Its when it gets to multi-systems that it becomes very weird (understandable because no other RTS actually playes on several once...let alone round maps)

    ~~Other Stuff
    AI loves building nukes and using them with....downright cruel....results
    AI however even when its been nuked is very slow to build anti-nukes or really focus on getting them up fast.
  6. Tripod27

    Tripod27 Active Member

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    For the SXX and radar crowding, I've noticed the AI likes to conserve most of it's units in a big circlejerk near a factory until it thinks it can get a snipe or massive damage to the enemy base, so it might be waiting until it gets a certain number of SXX to thrown them at the enemy commander all at once
    theseeker2 likes this.
  7. kaminfreunde

    kaminfreunde Active Member

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    - Unfortunately the ai still likes to build a vehicle factory on the small island of the 1vs1 pacific map.

    - I bet that this is a very tricky point, but the ai is very vulnerable to snipes (booms, infernos, sxx and t1 bombers). Is there any way that it could detect an incoming snipe and temporary reacts with pulling everything they could out to prevent it.

    Like if there are one of the following units massed and detected by the scout:

    boom bots -> some dox patrol around the com
    infernos -> all forces close by are retreating to the com
    t1 bombers -> aa patrols around com, com build a few aa turrets

    if sxx detected:
    sxx -> all fabbers around + com build an umbrella (if no orbital) if orbital some avengers patrol next to the com

    if unit cannon or nuke detected:
    com stays close to umbrellas and anti nukes.

    - I really like how the ai is able to rebuild after parts of it's base got destroyed and how it tries to attack always in the stop which is less defended.
  8. theseeker2

    theseeker2 Well-Known Member

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    that is heavily disappointing, I do not like unit caps, do you think there is a chance that this decision may be reversed?
  9. Sorian

    Sorian Official PA

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    There is a strong chance that this gets changed to be a configuration value.
  10. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Seems the audio has been blocked by Twitch on your stream recording, Sorian. Looking forward to that YouTube upload... :D

    For those who missed the topic (like me)
  11. Sorian

    Sorian Official PA

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    Just the first 30 minutes or so, from what I hear. Working on the YouTube video now.
  12. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Now we have subs will you be introducing a threat variable for them? I really want to be able to do Sub to AntiSub threat checks in the same way Air to AntiAir is done.
  13. Sorian

    Sorian Official PA

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    AntiSub threat already exists and is applied to any weapon that can target Underwater. I guess I could add Sub threat.
    Quitch and cdrkf like this.
  14. tommybananas

    tommybananas Active Member

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    Hey just a question I was curious about. When issueing commands does the ai manually click everything it wants i.e individual placement of mex and attack commands or does it use area commands purely or does it do a mixture of both?
  15. jtibble

    jtibble Active Member

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    Hey @sorian , I'm watching your stream and you say that attacking the commander is a hard scenario to learn because it happens so infrequently in training.... but if you rewarded the AI for causing damage to the commander (instead of just rewarding them for killing the com), that would be much more likely to happen in training and make the AI learn that reducing the commander's health, even if the cost is high, is valuable. Even if the AI causes some damage to the commander (say, 25% reduction in HP), it would only take 4 attacks like that to win the game. Is it possible for your training to reinforce this type of knowledge?
  16. Sorian

    Sorian Official PA

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    The AI does not use area build commands, but does make use of both area attack and area patrol commands.

    Training will already enforce that as long as they do enough damage to justify the loss.
    Tripod27, Remy561 and cdrkf like this.
  17. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    I'm running through the latest AI changes and I think Orbital Launcher - Rush in fabber_orbital_builds can be purged. It's designed to be for those instances where the AI wants to get off planet with its commander NOW, except that the section for giving the TransportToPlanet order in command_misc_builds was purged. Therefore the AI will rush this launcher to get the commander off-planet but never actually send the commander off planet using a transport from the launcher.

    Maybe, rather than purging Orbital Launcher - Rush, it'd be worth bringing back Move Commander To Planet, but making it lower priority than a teleporter and tying both it and the rush into NoWhereToHide so it's a really last ditch thing. That's what I'm going to try :)

    It makes sense to me. Spinners are built according to current Air to AntiAir threat, while Narwhals should be built according to that and Sub threat because these are the things they counter.

    While I'm posting wishes, it'd be great to have the AI have some way of knowing the number of players and how many starting planets existed. That way I could potentially make more intelligent decisions about what to do based on the radius of the planet vs. the number of players (don't go Dox on a 10 player FFA on a 250 radius planet). A measure of base to nearest enemy base threat would be great too, though I imagine much harder.
  18. jtibble

    jtibble Active Member

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    So you're saying that when the AI decides yes/no to attack, it weighs the metal-value of the damage it can cause versus the metal-value of the damage it is likely to receive? Or does it compare the number of units potentially destroyed on both sides? What is the metric or heuristic?
  19. andrehsu

    andrehsu Active Member

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    In every multi planet game I play the strategy of the AI is always nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke. So in order to win, all you need to do is cover your planet with anti nukes. Invade their planet, and then you will win. Is this intentional, cuz honestly its quite boring.
  20. Sorian

    Sorian Official PA

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    I believe there is a bug in the live build keeping the AI from going orbital (and utilizing it) effectively. Should be better on PTE.
    Remy561 likes this.

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