Damn nice job with that. Especially for your first try. My first model was a coffee mug. EDIT: Just a suggestion. When you are modelling things for PA, don't bother making hollow barrels as in the end its just a waste of polys (Try hard to keep the poly count down). Just do solid barrels with a protruding part and have it textured black. EDIT2: Also Stuart for quite a while I've been thinking of starting my own super unit mini mod and have some ideas for balancing it (for example preventing players from spamming out nothing but every super unit late game, well easily anyway). If I can talk to you about some of the ideas I had over on gamevox and we agree on them I wouldn't mind merging into your mod.
On these larger megabots that would be more noticeable and should probably be avoided. Since these are not going to be spammed by the hundreds we don't need to worry as much about large numbers of polys. Sure, I'll try and catch you later tonight so we can discuss this.
Stuart! A question/request. I'm not familiar with the whole legalese behind it all, but I know there was a mod in sup com FA that had mech warrior units in it. and this question goes to anyone who can answer with confidence, for example uber dev team. Would you be upsetting anyone by having a go at importing monkeylord, or mechs from mechwarrior/battletech? I think that'd be rad... Or at least using them as inspiration for various superunits. Jus a thought.
I could probably get the models- I'm betting they can be put into blender or 3ds max, but then it'd be the long tedious work of assigning a whole network of bones. ^^;
I'm not going to be importing anything from another game into the mod. If it isn't PA style, it doesn't belong in PA. I might see about using something for inspiration but I don't even know if it's possible to alter a monkeylord so that it has the PA style.
Name suggestion for your Sniper MegaBot: the Xi-Lance use of Lance as reference as a powerful weapon, and play on the word Silence, insinuating it's assassin-like nature