meh, I like the occasional card game :> and yeah, I'd expect it to be not half bad, it's in beta after 3 whole years of development
3 years and it's not even done, I think they may have put it on hold for a good portion of that time. It plays like a sort of dumbed down version of chess, with tech trees and tanks
from the wiki "Wargaming Seattle is engaged in the development of an unannounced project." Wargaming Seattle is former GPG Spoiler inb4 it's a wiki troll edit: it's confirmed, this guy claims to be a level designer working on it
and it's sekrit I don't like sekrits If they started working on this 'project' shortly after GPG was sold, I wonder why the project hasn't been announced, maybe they had to build the engine from the ground-up. I also wonder if WG Seattle has rehired any of the old team back, after they were laid off in 2013... Spoiler I swear to god, CT is too good at this hype business.
even if it were some TA sequel i don't think i would care much at this point, unless it would be something that realy blasts me away ... but from that last talk of chris taylor after the PA KS i wouldn't expect anything
"- Storm does not know what Viktor Kisly had in mind when he announced that a "bomb" (big announcement) will come soon" From RU Q&A translations