Okay everyone here is how i have fixxed systems: Step one: Export your system from the System Designer Step two: find your .pas in your documents and then open it with a text editor, I use notepad++ Step three: Check "heightRange": "waterHeight": "waterDepth": "temperature": these should be at the top of your .pas in the "planets" section then under "planet": { Step four: find the value that is not a whole number, there can be more then one, "heightRange": 0, "waterHeight": 30.000001907348633, "waterDepth": 0, "temperature": 46, Change it to the whole number it should be, ( "waterHeight": 30, ) Step five: save the file and import it using the import function in the system designer. Step six: open the newly imported version of your map with the fix and zoom in on your planet with all its csg the way you custom placed it. I'm not sure why the system designer does weird things when these values are not whole numbers like they should be on all working maps.
I've done a few quick tests, and it looks like you're right. Manually setting a planet's radius to a float reliably causes it to forget all custom CSG. This is useful stuff. It might be possible to throw together a simple UI mod to round parameters appropriately.
Checked it and it indeed fixes the generating bug. Well done Gandalf. No offense but you should have more car crashes for the sake of fixing bugs in PA . This might be the one and only bug that screws up the saving. Well done! Awesome stuff! @masterdigital you know what to do
Problem is every new save with name change of system will cause it to bug again. It might even bug without name change. So you might have to do this before each session always tell it's perm fixxed.
Well it still is better then nothing It needs to be fixed but for now we can edit them atleast. That wasn't even possible before. Another plus is it actually can be fixed instead of still finding out where it goes wrong.
This is a really great find, and definitely the cause of most of the problems! However, it's not the whole story. I was able to restore CSG on some planets using this fix, but others simply had no CSG data in the exported text file whatsoever. Only metal spots and landing zones were present in the file and thus fixable. Not sure what causes this to happen on some planets, but every planet that had its CSG objects completely deleted were big planets with CSG from many templates on them. This could be a clue.