Pause banner removal

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by dreadnought808, February 1, 2015.

  1. dreadnought808

    dreadnought808 Member

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    Any chance one of the devs could spend half an hour and move that bloody annoying pause banner for the next patch? A subtle "paused" somewhere off in a corner surely should do, no?

    Currently, when hitting pause in single player, a massive "PAUSED" banner covers half the screen, making active pause gaming (as in TA and SupCom) very difficult and awkward. Not only does it block vision but clicking is impossible anywhere near it.

    There's already a mod request on those forums but no luck yet with that one, alas.

    I really hope this'll get sorted at some point, official or mod... It's really killing it for me.
    Remy561, theseeker2, Sleeser and 4 others like this.
  2. g0hstreaper

    g0hstreaper Well-Known Member

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    Well I think that's the whole purpose of the massive pause screen is to obviously tell you HEY STOP FOR A MINUTE SOMEONE DC'D AGIAN but yea maybe a smaller one would be nice it is quite cumbersome.
  3. jonasmod

    jonasmod Active Member

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    Maybe also adding a 3 sec delay until you can repause/unpause would be nice. People just seem to click unpause without thinking.
    xankar and stuart98 like this.
  4. ace902902

    ace902902 Active Member

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    Your not supposed to be able to order or select while paused.
    Can you give me a valid reason of why you should be able to order units around while the other player is preoccupied reconnecting and thus giving you an unfair advantage?
    Last edited by a moderator: February 2, 2015
  5. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    your argument is valid, but if you add personal attacks to valid arguments you end up looking invalid. I edited the ad homin stuff away, in the future just state your valid argument and people will see it as that :)
    MortQ42 likes this.
  6. ace902902

    ace902902 Active Member

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  7. dreadnought808

    dreadnought808 Member

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    Ace, I did mention single player. So, AI skirmishes and the campaign. however, it's equally valid in multiplayer- if the disconnected player returns, he can still command his units before unpausing, can he not?

    So, yes, you are supposed to be able to order or select while paused, as you could in total annihilation, supreme commander and everything related to it. Which is why you CAN do it right now- it's just that silly banner that makes things difficult.

    It's fairly simple- if you don't like doing it, don't do it. The fact that that big banner is somewhere else NOT blocking your view won't change any of your enjoyment of the game.

    I'm merely asking to move the banner (and it's no-click area) out of the way. It'll allow a wider variety of people to play and enjoy the single player game- including people with disabilities who just need a bit more time with the controls.

    I myself would be forever grateful :D
  8. theseeker2

    theseeker2 Well-Known Member

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    confirming pause banner is a turd
  9. kayonsmit101

    kayonsmit101 Active Member

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    Nobody should be able to do any kind of selecting or ordering in game during a pause. That's just ridiculous.
    A smaller banner could be nice, that way you can marvel at the beauty that is PA.
  10. dreadnought808

    dreadnought808 Member

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    It would be nice to get an official word on this being put on the to-do list. It can't be much work for someone who's actually put the thing there to begin with :D
  11. jonasmod

    jonasmod Active Member

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    On the other hand I'd rather they work on lobby bugfix and lobby performance than this ^^
  12. Remy561

    Remy561 Post Master General

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    Yeahh, a smaller banner would be nice so that the active players can look at the environment and their units and think of new strategies ;)

    Might be a bit unfair, but it gives us something to do while waiting for other players to return instead of just doing nothing / alt tabbing.
  13. dreadnought808

    dreadnought808 Member

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    Indeed. I'd like to point out though that it's always been in all of it's predecessors, and it had been mentioned it'd be in the game upon release. Well, it IS in fact in the game and functional, just coverd up by that pause banner :D Active pause has been in since the classic Total annihilation. I am, again, only talking about single player of course.

    Update: I have made some progress in modding the bar out of the way, despite my complete ignorance of the programming language. No idea how to pour it into a functioning mod, but if anyone's interested:

    Tweaking this will shrink the banner and move it out of the way in the top left corner. No idea yet if it'll work in multiplayer, you might have to put it into proper mod format :D
  14. bengeocth

    bengeocth Post Master General

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    What if at the start it was huge, and then it shrunk off to the side, where it said "PAUSED" in the corner as suggested? You know, show the banner so as not to get people going "why the hell am I not able to move this guy, is my internet jacked up again?"

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