Updated PA. Modified a system. Attempted game against AI using said system. Planet build phase ongoing...for 30+ minutes!
This, ladies and gentlemen, is why all of you needed to yell at me to finish my purging of outdated/broken mods from PAMM a few weeks ago.
Isn't it possible to automatically disable mods that shadow recently updated files? Alias a version check on each mod or on every shadowed file.
Is trial and error the only way to figure out the offending mod? Also, I exported one of the systems that would not load. It is attached as a txt b/c the forum wouldn't let me upload a pas file.
Yeah, that pas file loads fine. (btw zipping and uploading works) And yeah, trial and error is the only way. Turn off half of your mods, if PA still fails, turn of half of those, etc. That'll narrow it down quickly.
I'm sorry, but I have messed with the loaded mods since I reported the issue. I remember that I disabled all mods except those updated in the last month.