Hello there all you Commanders! Some of you know me(the cool kids) some of you don't(new kids). Anyways, I've been gone for some time(several months) and I've been busy. "Doing what?" You might ask. Well... I was working on getting my book published...(releases February 10th) Playing Alphas of games like Evolve and Gigantic. Making videos of other games, like Legend of Grimrock 2. And just lurking around on the internet. But, I'm back for the foreseeable future now. Every Wednesday I'll be releasing a brand new PA video(whoo!!!1!!!!!!!!!) as you can see below: It's good to be back with all of you and and I can't wait to see how far PA's come in the last few months(Sorian's AI might be able to beat me now). To commemorate this auspicious occasion I made a new video thread(the old one was really old) and released a commentated version of my Gamma Episode 1(where I and Garat take on 2 other teams of 2 before the game crashed). Quick FAQ: Q: Will you be casting tournaments again? A: Probably not. They're a lot of work and time(I also need to refresh myself on all of PA). Perhaps if someone asks me to but I won't be signing up anytime soon. Exodus eSports has taken care of things quite well as far as I can see. I have confidence that they'll continue to bring quality tournaments and competent casters. Q: Will you actually reply to things when tagged instead of waiting a week or two. A: I'll be keeping an eye on the forum for now. Q: Who is the best Commander? A: There is only one true commander. He is the holy Progenitor. Blessed be his nanolathe!
Yep, Crystal Tower is #2(still working on it). TRK was actually last year's(2013) NaNoWriMo project, which motivated me to finally finish it.