So here is some data I collected. I hope someone can calculate the optimal build order with this This table shows how many Pgens and mex you need per factory. This depends on the unit you build! You can copy these values (you have to type it anyway because of the ,) and make your own calculation to check how many economy buildings you need for a mix of these factories. So you just trust me with these numbers? Don't. Here is the math, I use Dox as an example: A bot Factory uses -15M and -675E. A Dox costs 45M, so it takes 3 seconds to build 1 Dox. The Bot factory has a roll-off time of 3 seconds. This means, half of the time the factory doesn't use energy and metal. So the real values for the bot factory are: -7,5M -337,5E One Mex produces 7M, so you need 7,5/7 Mexes = 1,071429 Mexes One Pgen produces 600E, so you need 337,5/600 Pgens = 0,5625 Pgens Why is the unit important? - Different units have different Metal costs. So it takes 10 seconds to build a tank but 15 seconds to build an inferno. But the roll-off time is almost the same. This means building infernos has your factory running 15 out of 15+4 seconds (4 is the roll-off time for the vehicle factory). Or 79% of the time. The value for the tank is 10 out of 10+4 which is 71% of the time. Same goes for the Fighter/Bomber, Orca/Narwhal. -------------------- What about the fabricators? - It is more complex. If you just calculate with their normal metal and energy usage you will build too many Pgens and mex, because they have to walk. Estimating this walking time is almost impossible because it depends on the map and on the tasks of the fabber (a fabber building mex has more walking times than a fabber building a line of energy). But if you want to estimate, I just have a number for you: 93%. This is from the recent game of yaegz, from his commander. I just stopped the times and he was really building stuff in 2min48sec out of 3min. The commander doesn't have really long walks, so I think it is safe to take a factor of 0,9 for every fabber. Now have fun using this data to make a guide, your own excel sheets, your building order optimisation or even a video (I am not capable of doing a video). What is missing here? - Assisting stuff - Storage - T2, Orbital --------------------- I just took the times for the roll-off time of 1 unit per factory, so the numbers are not accurate. If you find errors in my calculations, just write it in this thread. Please post the optimal build order here when you calculate it. I may analyze some player builds with this data but most likely I will be too lazy to do it . Sorry for the , instead of . We do it this way here
reminds me of this thing that godde build, but it is outdated:
I've been meaning to do some observations about factory build consumption for a while, so this is pretty useful. I found it difficult to read as you used commas as decimal points, though...
No worries - seems like its international formatting differences. Out of interest what region is excel configured for? I do like how you not only considered the superficial operating cost of the factory, but also the time usage per unit. Seems like someone could theory craft the optimal unit to build for the maximum DPS per metal / energy per second with a few number crunches.