Human Resources, Start it again?

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by atharol, January 18, 2015.


Do you want Uber Entertainment to focus on Human resources?

  1. No, The game is dead to me now.

  2. No, They need to focus on planetary annihilation..

  3. Yes!!! Shut up and take my money!

  4. No, The game was a bad idea from the start.

  1. atharol

    atharol Member

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    20 October 2014 Human Resources got canceled.
    The reason for this was that it wasent going to make its goal on 1.4 million dollars.

    Why dont Uber Entertainment just start a paypal donation system and start the donation all over again with a longer deadline then 2 weeks?
    I belive that Human Resources could be founded easily with that system.

    PA is a great game and it was also founded by the great kickstarter community.
    even douh its still missing alot of key futures and the maintenance / game updates ,takes like 4-5 moonth to get in a single new building/unit in to the game.
    But its still great!. It was delivered and the game is awesome.

    I belive that Human Resources dident get founded becouse no one knew that Human Resources was on kickstarter at all..
    Its not that hard to inform people on the facebook page,Twitter,PC Newsletters like PC gamer or even PA news ingame. So that people can tell thier friends from there.
    Also most of the people who was on the kickstarter page and dident donate was confused when Uber Entertainment told them to donate faster and saw the soon deadline would not be reached anyway.
    People dident knew that if you donate on a project on kickstarter and the project dosent get founded you would
    not get charged of any money. Only if the project is founded the money would be taken.
    Information like that would also be good.

    I hope that Uber Entertainment think this out and find a sulution to make this game become rea.
    It was a to great idea to be thrown into the trashcan.

    sorry for bad grammar and spelling mistakes.

    What do you feel about this subject?

    gamingdojo42, h0thskull and rotbow like this.
  2. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    I don't feel that was the problem at all. The problem wasn't so much HR or the Kickstarter itself. Instead it was simply the issue of PA's current state at the time of the HR Kickstarter.

    Reviews generally agreed that PA was overall okay but not great and between the reviews and the PA community whose own opinions of PA were varied it's easy to see why HR was having trouble getting support. It's a classic case of "once burned twice shy".

  3. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Agreed, though you must admit Uber could have been much more agressive with their kickstarter campaign.
  4. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    But is was that a root problem or just flase perception of a problem due to interferrence with a deeper problem?

    Imagine a theme park with a ride that breaks down 60% of the time and you run 100 people through it every hour. You end up with 40 happy people per hour. If you want MORE happy people the solution isn't to get 200 people riding it every hour, sure you double your happy people but you've also doubled your unhappy people. Instead you should work to improve the ride itself so it doesn't break down so much.

    That's kinda the thing, the "root" problem wasn't how many people were seeing the HR Kickstarter, it was how many of those people didn't feel comfortable supporting it given the circumstances. Solving that problem would probably have done more good than simply getting more eyes on HR as things were.

    brianpurkiss, lokiCML and stuart98 like this.
  5. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    1) Kickstarters are loaded. If they were much more dedicated to making it despite a "funding success or fail", people would more likely back it because there is no "I can kill it if I don't". Not particularly proud thing to do, but Capcom and junk have come to do this religiously.
    2) A non-kickstarter thing would not be as easily visible in some places, but would be easier to manage in other areas. They could keep funding open longer and junk, and get a fuller percent.
    3) PA is no longer in a state to complain. It is missing saves-loads.
    4) People may grasp the point after it lingering as long as it has, that HR can develop the opposite end of the same engine, instead of "moving away form it". Same with the "staff", the HR staff and the current PA staff would be much more obviously seperate since the so called PA staff that HR was taking and abandoning PA turned out to be laid off anyway (derp derp herp de der derp duuuh), so when they come back they won't be so "obviously taken from the PA staff".
  6. jbeetle

    jbeetle Well-Known Member

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    Being the greedy person that I am, I just want more of Monday Night Combat's world.
  7. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    What is wrong with PA? Now it even plays like a decent balance mod instead of "pick one of 3 mass rushes". I remember quite a long list of things that is fairly short as far as "what is wrong with the game". Care to list those things in support of your arguement?
  8. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    I'd hate to see a bad balance mod then.

    Don't get me wrong, it's improved quite a bit in the last few months but grenadiers still useless and only questionably useful on PTE. Skitters useless, T2 too far ahead of T1 in power, no wreckage so only one way to get more metal than your T1 is giving you, air control too paramount (You should be punished for it but ideally it should be possible to win without putting any focus on air. Hard, but possible if you play your cards right.).

    Oh, and don't even get me started on orbital.

    BRB making an excellent balance mod.
  9. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    Can I reiterate how sadistically fun it's been to watch the gradual decline of the Planetary Annihilation Community from "Idealistically, hopeful, Game is going to have a billion features that we just thought up of" to "F@!# Uber PA is awful!!!11!"?
  10. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    I have plenty of theories as to why the Human Resources Kickstarter failed. Without wishing to make this a particularly lengthy post, I'll just give bullet point list:
    • Generally cooler attitude towards Kickstarter in general - it's no longer the new and exciting thing it once was
    • Significant increase in scepticism specifically towards game Kickstarters following a number of previous failures, scams and letdowns
    • Increasingly negative perception of Early Access, particularly in terms of development studios receiving payment before a game is completed
    • Big gaming personalities are much less willing to pin their colours to the mast of Kickstarters, again following a number of letdowns
    • The HR Kickstarter was started at a time where people had an overwhelmingly negative view of PA and Uber owing primarily to communication issues
    • Lack of understanding of the product development cycle - people expected PA to be 100% complete before Uber work on any other projects
    • The RTS market is a fairly niche part of the gaming world. PA was successful because the first three bullet points did not apply at that moment in time and they were able to rely on nostalgia over an old IP to drive their new one. HR did not have any nostalgia appeal and was trying to forge a new IP out of the blue
    • HR's funding goal was dauntingly high - it was explained in very plain terms why this was the case, but with PA's original $900,000 being brought up frequently, there was a perception of greed over this
    I was incredibly sad with the end result of the Kickstarter, but I don't think doing it again is going to do anyone any favours. PA and its community is in a much better place now and goodwill towards Uber seems to be at a high. However I'm not confident that would be anything like enough to counter the strong downsides in the first three bullet points that make game kickstarters much, much less attractive these days.

    As frustrating as it is - and I know first-hand how excited all of the Uber guys were for HR - @scathis said while being interviewed on a podcast some weeks later that "Human Resources, as it was presented in the Kickstarter, is dead."
    wilhelmvx, cdrkf and stuart98 like this.
  11. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Lol... Not all of us :p Also have you noticed the fact us positive PA types are on the rise again? :) uber have been doing awesome work lately on PA.
    squishypon3 and cwarner7264 like this.
  12. ronbo13

    ronbo13 New Member

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    I really loved the idea of Human Resources (a lot more than PA). I loved the look and the theme. I'm really hoping they find a way to make a game of this. Or hell, a movie ;)
  13. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    if the stuff they work on VRwise is succesful maybe they can do HR afterwards but that remains to be seen
  14. h0thskull

    h0thskull New Member

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  15. h0thskull

    h0thskull New Member

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  16. evilmage

    evilmage New Member

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    I think its a little strange that there are thousends of views on this article and noone ever seems to vote. -.-
    Besides this fact nothing ever happens in this thread, but still there were thousands of viewers...
    So obviously people are interested in the topic!
    Uber Entertainment. The Idea was awesome and maybe you should create a little plattform in this forum to slam this voting into peoples faces and show them the trailer again!!
    You know how hard it is to get people to vote... Then you would knew if its a bad idea or not.
    I mean the voting on top is from a time were PA was still unfinished, but it turned out great!!
  17. Jagdfox

    Jagdfox New Member

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    I literally just now heard about this game pitch. I would have totally helped toward funding had I known about it. The game style, design, and idea looks like it would have made a great RTS.
    This is what bums me out about new ideas in gaming these days. It's gotten so costly to make a AAA game that smaller developers have a hard time creating what could be a great and new experience. Alas, it seems rare that any of the AAA publishers want to break from the cookie cutter game designs that they know sells among their targeted demographic.
    This is why I can't get into games like I could when I was younger. There were lots of new games that provided new experiences and styles of gameplay, but now most AAA games follow a system of how a RTS, or FPS, or RPG should play; just in different settings with better graphics. They just don't give me that buzz they used to. I'll find something new and interesting every once in awhile, but they're usually short and lacking content (usually indie games) so I play through them quickly then look for another.
    They should totally re-launch a funding campaign for this game and get word out about it.
    tunsel11 likes this.
  18. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    it's not just AAA games it's AAA games in the RTS sector and the RTS sector in particular.

    That being said and with all the context that goes with me (me supporting/liking PA and UBER) it's a realist assessment that UBER had burnt all their wildcards and were left with very poor popular standing and that hoping that this pitch wouldn't come off as a backstab with such a climate was just plain foolhardy.

    maybe it was then or never. maybe they were backed into a corner but there's no real way this could have gotten good public reception then and there.

    things would have had to have gone more satisfactorily with PA.

    and that's the situation.

    The slither of hope lies in another studio having enough interest in HR to purchase it and produce-release it. It's a long shot though.
  19. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    speaking bout rts did you guys know that chris taylor left wargaming? so basicaly to me that sounds like the chance of getting another total annihlation being even less likely ..

    ontopic .. regarding HR as i mentioned before i doubt uber will try to make it any time soon unless they get VERY succesfull with VR ... which imo by now is doubtfull to be honest and even then if VRdevices are to be more common i am not sure they can make a succesfull product on that in the future ...
    realy the best i can think of is that a publisher gets them and gives them a chance for HR .. or in the case of thqnordic make another supcom (still stupid of nordic not offering it on sites like GOG) ..
  20. ozzyneil

    ozzyneil New Member

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    I want this game and i want it now and if i don't i'll make it myself.:p
    You can watch a thousand trailers and just think Meh! seen it all before, but this just stood out so much i can't stop watching it.
    I don't know what i was doing in 2014 but i never saw this.
    Robot crazy crabs picking up the people looks insane and the bit where the creature rugby tackles the robot.
    There is one thing that that would be awesome if this should ever eventuate and that is the scene where the giant lobster dude snaps off the building and belts it over the robots head and you see it as a type of cutscene of the robot falling to the ground, can that be implemented into a game in real time or could you save the whole session and watch it all from any camera angle.
    Anyway please try again, I'll give you my left testicle.

    PS. Do it in VR and I'll give you both testicles.
    Last edited: June 5, 2017
  21. sargeantsewell1

    sargeantsewell1 New Member

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    Yea I just found out about it IN 2017!!! I would love to play it though, they just need a little more advertisement.
    tunsel11 likes this.

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