Videogame Art: Planetary Annihilation

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by snierke, January 15, 2015.

  1. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    That scale is no longer seen in-game (unfortunately).
  2. icycalm

    icycalm Post Master General

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    Everyone agrees that the game is lacking in the terrain generation department. And doubtless, Uber realizes this and will address it if and when they are able to.

    Given the above, a more pertinent question for me is: do you prefer a square little map with great terrain, or an entire solar system with subpar terrain? And my answer is: I'll take the solar system any day of the week, thankyouverymuch.

    PA is better than its predecessors DESPITE its lacking terrain features. So imagine how much better it will become once this issue is properly addressed.
    Remy561, wilhelmvx and cdrkf like this.
  3. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Trees are about that size, same are comms, that is the official scale. We shouldn't base it off estimates we should follow real data which is right there in front of us.

    Now is the scale consistant? Certainly not... but neither is Supcom's truthfully. (I'm pretty sure the trees are just generic trees and no effort to keep them in line with game scale was made.)
  4. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    I'd like some tactics with my strategy, thank you very much.
    theseeker2 and tatsujb like this.
  5. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    What i Personaly care about is weither or not you could mod pa so you can actualy fly/drive/run around as a single unit ...
  6. darkagentx

    darkagentx Member

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    What, like Urban Assault?
  7. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Or I think... Dungeon defender? I dunno, dungeon something if I'm remembering correctly...

    Anyway that would be quite fun. :)
  8. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    like battlezone for instance

    dont remember weither or not i played urban assault so i cant tell
  9. icycalm

    icycalm Post Master General

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    The genre is called Real Time Strategy. Not Real Time Tactics, nor Real Time Strategy With Some Tactics. Just sayin'. Tactics are great and all, but only if you have enough players per team so some of them can be devoted to them, and only if the game is already perfectly developed on the strategic level, which no RTS hitherto has been (even PA is 10% strategy 90% tactics so far, even in the largest scale games with 10+ players).

    That's another thing I will talk about when I get to discussing 100v100 battles, etc. Eventually, I'd like the commanders to be controlled by single players who are viewing the game from a MechWarrior perspective. So you'd have a few of those "leader units" per team, controlled by individual players, then a few dozen tactical commanders on the various fronts, then a few dozen base commanders, who will be playing SimCity, and the Supreme Commander overlooking everything and giving everyone their orders (which in my clan means me).

    I'd kill for a game like this. PAxPlanetSide=Best Game Ever

    It will all be in the other parts of my review, along with comparisons to Paradox's games, like Europa Universalis, etc.
    Last edited: January 16, 2015
  10. icycalm

    icycalm Post Master General

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    The tl;dr version is that Europa Universalis is the REAL real-time strategy game, and the pseudo-RTS games like PA have to develop UPWARDS to become one day as strategically complex as EU, just as EU and other Paradox games such as Hearts of Iron, etc. are trying (and failing) to develop DOWNWARDS into the tactical complexity of PA and other RTTs (because TA, SupCom, PA, etc. are not real RTSes -- the genre's name is a misnomer; they are practically RTTs).
  11. icycalm

    icycalm Post Master General

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    Basically, it's the same thing with my username. I am not called "icycalm" because I am really icy calm; I just called myself that because I would like to become that one day. It's a goal I am working towards.

    Same with RTSes. They are not called that because they really are strategy games, they are simply called that because the people who are making them and playing them would LIKE them to become strategy games one day. And as long as devs like Uber keep expanding the scope and complexity of their games, they one day will be.
  12. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    eukanuba, tatsujb and icycalm like this.
  13. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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  14. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    I'm going all grandma here, I just wanna whip out my photoalbum and show it to the world. I almost have a tear in my eye!

    remember when you used to despise mods? ....When you wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole? oh these days seem so far... so far... wanna look at my photoalbum?
    stuart98 likes this.
  15. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    that's not my experience.

    in PA I can't ever reinforce because a whole army will disappear kinda like this :
    where ...... where is it???

    and THEN your reinforcements arrive.

    in FA having units join a fray that's been underway is commonplace.

    why is it that systematically when people have misconceptions about FA they choose to state what's hardest to back up, and furthest from the truth?

    ...oh wait misconceptions are always like that.
    nuketf likes this.
  16. icycalm

    icycalm Post Master General

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    I am not talking about mods. I am talking about Planetary Annihilation 5. The changes I am suggesting are too drastic to be undertaken by modders. If you make the commanders playable from a MechWarrior perspective you'd have to add MechWarrior mechanics to the game so that the player moving a commander has a dozen buttons and attacks at his disposal, not just one or two. And then you'd want to add Company of Heroes mechanics for the players who are doing the tactics, and Anno 2070 mechanics for the players who are doing the base-building, and Homeworld mechanics for the players who are playing the space battles, etc. Just simply modding the game to be viewable from the perspective of the unit would be merely a gimmick worthy of the work of a modder that I would barely have reason to even try.
  17. snierke

    snierke Active Member

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    HA HA Fantastic video
  18. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    This does appear to be the direction games are taking moving forward- moving from a simple game focusing on one thing, to more expansive games with the simpler games incorporated within them.

    I'm assuming you've been following Star Citizen? This is basically what they're trying to do there (although it doesn't *currently* appear to include any RTS aspects particularly, that is combining trading, exploration, space combat , story driven campaigns, open universe and full first person capabilities into a 'first person universe', I gather you'd like to see the same thing done with PA as the basis instead?).
    Last edited: January 16, 2015
  19. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    I seriously have to wonder weither or not your friend actualy hit you ...
    Because i NEVER said anything about despising mods ... but you seem to not get it and best you can do is riding that high horsecock of "oh i am a missionary converting mod nonbelievers"

    You surely dont miss an opportunity to show to people how much a di ck you are

    I am fuc kin tired of it and call you out .. Its enough ..
    Last edited: January 16, 2015
  20. icycalm

    icycalm Post Master General

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    Actually, I haven't been following Star Citizen, because when I heard it would be an MMO when it was first announced, I lost all interest. The huge difference between Star Citizen and what I am asking for is "persistence". Star Citizen will be persistent, and will therefore have grinding and hundreds of thousands of people who like grinding and don't care to learn to play or co-operate with anyone, and mechanics that ensure that no one ever achieves anything in the game world and that there is never any resolution to anything or any closure.

    What I am asking for from PA will have none of this. 100v100 means 200 people assemble to play on a weekend, and they play out a war that ends there and then. There will be clear winners and losers. There will be no grinding, and no attempt at a huge universe of copy-pasted environments. And the players will have to know each other from before, by playing for many months or even years in huge clans, and will have clearly assigned roles and a strict chain of command, all the way up to the Supreme Commander, who will presumably be the leader of each clan.

    I know it sounds extremely far-fetched, but so would PA have sounded if anyone had tried to describe it on a Dune 2 forum in the early '90s. (And yes, I know that there were no Dune 2 forums or even internet in the early '90s, I am just sayin').
    wilhelmvx and cdrkf like this.

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