Uber pls: in-game clan controls

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by icycalm, January 11, 2015.

  1. g0hstreaper

    g0hstreaper Well-Known Member

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    Well there always is and always will be the Moon Boat Crew!

    But theres only five members and were really more of a joke clan :D
  2. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Agreed you really need to check it out @stuart98, especially when you're a part of a huge group of players.
  3. cybrankrogoth

    cybrankrogoth Active Member

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    I did check out the game, I really liked the concept but I felt it was dull to play.
    To be more clear, when you play it's more in the Deathmatch (DM) style play where you respawn after you die.
    Ordinarily I wouldn't mind that but in such a large scale teamgame it feels more like lots of it is meaningless and just trading blows/back and forth endlessly unless one team has an overwhelming advantage. I'd much rather either a higher respawn delay/no respawn and make it like csgo where your out of the round if you die, so you need to make every action count.

    Setting that aside, I think I more or less understand icycalm's problem. Rather than simply complaining that people keep changing clans. He's upset that many people join the bigger clans simply because they're bigger?
    So 'clan controls' is as many different attributes of clan creation/management from main menu/sub menu.
    and clan rankings too so that there's a sense of "more than just the big clans" and there's more of a competitive mindspace rather than just individuals fighting individuals, or individuals fighting groups.
    wilhelmvx and icycalm like this.
  4. icycalm

    icycalm Post Master General

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    On the subject of PlanetSide, it completely trounces Counter-Strike, because if you are playing PS with a big clan, it feels like you are part of a war, whereas Counter-Strike's pseudo bomb-disarming every 3 minutes feels stupid. Yes, PlanetSide gets boring after a while, but Counter-Strike gets boring far earlier for me, precisely because battles are so tiny and end so quickly and involve so few players and objectives.

    Ultimately, both games are worse than Far Cry 2, which has a proper setting and progression and resolution. But Far Cry 2 does not allow proper tactics and strategy between large teams of players, so you know... Each of these games has its own merits. Maybe one day we'll get one that combines the best part of all of them, but then we'd need players who can appreciate such fusion, and good luck with waiting for people to acquire decent taste. We are already seeing with PA how so few people have it.
  5. cybrankrogoth

    cybrankrogoth Active Member

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    It's off topic, but I'm gonna have to politely disagree.
    I didn't mind battlefield, the earlier games like bad company 2. For the same reason as you enjoy planetside 2, for the big scale. But I have to say I feel somehow battlefield pulled it off better... but I can't really comment futher. Maybe it feels different because planetside feels a larger scale game?

    But I prefer cs because there's a sense of finality in death, you die that's it. you can't just respawn and backstab your enemy and keep going. Although all of it and planetside is better than call of duty.

    I don't know about farcry 2, I never played it. It has a multiplayer side that people played lots?

    Overall though, while I also understand icycalm's distinction between strategy and tactics. I'd like to say cs:go does have strategy, and tactics. PA also has strategy and tactics even at the 1v1 level.
    Simply put, my understanding and this is specifically my understanding.
    Strategy is your overarching goal and mindset approaching a battle. Tactics are the inbetween intuition/compromise/innovation or................ improvisation. Took me so long to think of that word, and I had to get help.

    Anyway, csgo and pa definitely doesn't have a strategy in the sense of a big game, but as a team in cs, or as a player controlling an army in pa you have a certain idea of how you want to play things out which will create victory.
    That's strategy. I think it's not something that should be limited to only "big scale"
    if for no other reason than to avoid the problem of "where does small scale end and big scale begin?"
  6. philoscience

    philoscience Post Master General

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    Ah, there you are wrong. Icy is the dictator of a crappy cult, therefor he can't stand that you managed to pull off one of his 'followers'. Goes against the Ubermensch delusion.
    rivii, Nicb1 and stuart98 like this.
  7. theseeker2

    theseeker2 Well-Known Member

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    icycalm might as well be a dictator
  8. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    I have sunk a lot of hours into Planetside. It's where the Realm started.

    It used to be a fantastic game - unfortunately it has changed a lot. I'm no longer able to recommend it to people.
    stuart98 and cptconundrum like this.
  9. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    I'm sorry to hear that, but I can respect your opinion.

    Personally I can still have fun with it and was never really too into the game so any bad changes, etc.. I never really witnessed.
  10. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    It was the implants that planted the final nail in the coffin for me. They simultaneously made the game significantly more pay-to-win (I was actually a premium member, and cancelled my subscription over this) and took away any semblance of WYSIWYG when choosing enemies to engage.
  11. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Ah well, I was running around with about 25FPS and 13FPS when flying. ;) Also I really didn't read into that stuff, I just kind of played for the fun of massive world and massive armies, and etc...

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