Hello PA Support Team and community members, I have recently installed Planetary Annihilation and as I attempted to start the game for the first time I was confronted with the following message: Fatal error: It appears that your graphics drivers and/or hardware are missing critical OpenGL capabilities. If this error persists after updating your drivers and confirming that your hardware supports OpenGL 3.2, please contact support@uberent.com for additional help. Error details: Unable to start graphics system: Could not create GL context: The operation completed successfully. If anyone could assist me in this matter I would be very appreciative. Thank you! -Garga Here it is
"Driver Date/Size: 4/4/2011 22:09:00, 7473664 bytes" Your graphics drivers are older than time itself. There's been a few people with problems updating drivers for Toshiba laptops, hopefully someone with experience with them can pop in here soon and mention any specific websites they had to go to (Intel and Toshiba websites are worth a try) or workarounds they needed to do. That being said, you'll struggle to run PA (or any new big PC game) with an acceptable framerate on such a low-spec machine
That's a sandy bridge i3... I'm not sure hd2000 has the required feature set for pa (i think hd3000 is minimum for Intel graphics but I may be wrong). Anyway best bet is try getting new drivers from Intel website. You'll need to download the .zip version and install manually as the default installer throws an error on Toshiba laptops.
That might explain my gf's crashing. I tried to update her laptop but toshiba kept responding with 'no updates'... I might try to remove all things toshiba and just install the intel drivers.
Direct link to drivers... Code: Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2350M CPU @ 2.30GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.3GHz Card name: Intel(R) HD Graphics Family Driver Version: Driver Date/Size: 4/4/2011 22:09:00, 7473664 bytes To update drivers download and install "win64_152822.exe" from Intel website: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?agr=Y&DwnldID=23764 If you get "not validated for this computer" error download ZIP version of driver ("win64_152822.zip") from same page and then install it using this instruction: http://steamcommunity.com/app/233250/discussions/2/558749190911446231/
You don't need to remove anything, just install latest drivers from ZIP as explained in link above. Laptop manufacturers do not provide updated drivers, ever.