So I just had a fantastic game, it had a bomber snipe, unit cannons, planet smash, all the fun things in PA. But when I got my Dox army to the enemy planet it was a case of "gg ctrl+k". Don't do that! Battle to the last robot! Face down that 1000-strong Dox horde! FIGHT TO THE BITTER END! That is all.
[Bad guy] "with your shields down my ship will tear through yours like paper" [Good guy] "yeah... But my ship is dragging mines..."
I really do have to tip my hat to those that DO fight to the very end. it's such a gentlemanly thing to do. I admire it as I sometimes don't. I'd really love it If I did it more often because I love when others are doing it vs me. it's not a regular thing. Alot of the time I believe I can still pull it off (very naïvely I might add.... hey! I'm a born optimist (to my detriment)). But it does happen often that I am perfectly conscious of the dire, irreparable situation I'm in. Often I'm too lazy to await death because I know it'll still take awhile and I GG out. I lack the resolve some have, and again, I tip my hat to that resolve I'm jealous of.
I always play to the end because with PA there's almost always a glimmer of hope. In one game my team was being massively out-eco'd by the remaining team - they had about 3 planets fully coated to our one. My teammates were bemoaning their fate - but I managed to pull off a teleporter-boom bot snipe on one planet and an SXX snipe on the other where the last remaining laser died just after getting off the kill shot. There's always a chance for a comeback if you still have some resources to your name (not much hope when you make it out with your Comm on an astraeus and your eco resets to just your Comm in endgame...).
If someone is trying to kill me fast i just go with it, but if its a defensive guy and i don't like the way he plays i just say gg and quit. I like constant battle and i don't like the sitting duck tactical **** and only attack when someone has 100 bombers or 6 nukes. Those games take too long and why? They just wanna kill you in 1 sec with a dumb move, there is no glory in that.
hey he has a gate right there and his commander is right in front too, if there's somewhere he can run to, heck yeah! but yeah, that's exactly what I meant there are some situations that really are ...beyond repair.
Notice how it's not on. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DON'T PAY YOUR POWER BILL PEOPLE. But it was a good match overall. Excellent stuff.
yeah but if you just need to get one unit through then turning it on with -11000 power may actually work, as it flashes on for just that one second that really matters. if it flashes a split second before or after your commander is at the right point in the "walk through" animation, well ..... at least you tried.
Dunno where he would've gone honestly. I turned his teammate's planet to spacedust with a moon and as far as I can remember all the other planets were empty. Just turned off my desktop so I'm not in a position to check.
Thats a lot of fabbers, have them build laser turrets, have the commander build laser turrets, have him use the uber cannon, those tanks could likely get there in time to do some damage build walls I dunno, I think its a possibility to survive that
in my case that would be rather gg wp fml delete, uninstall PA, format: C, jump from nearest cliff that is at least 50 meters high diving with head forward with hands being chained and cemented and glued on rig held in front of head ...
But dont fight to the "end" when all you have is commander on orbital transport going around system slowly when I already have all planets. Its boring, its useless.
I play till the bitter end so ether I can ether DIE A TRUE WARRIORS DEATH or claim GLORIOUS HONOR FOR MY FAMILY