There's a variety of reasons why I haven't casted any videos. First, I have been quite busy. I have a new job, so that is occupying a lot of my time. What time isn't spent at my job is either spent on my social life or on Shallow Space. Seriously, I am so dang excited about Shallow Space. :-D Second... I don't enjoy casting anymore. After most every game being so dang similar and after so many huge balance issues (like naval or T2) going unheeded for so long... I simply lost interest in casting. I've been lurking on the forums and the subreddit... but that's about it. Casting videos simply take up a lot of my time, and I don't have as much time anymore. What time I do have left, I spend on things I enjoy more. Not to mention how much time managing PA Matches takes. I had asked for help a few times, even given people opportunities to submit their own mods or matches, or contribute to the wiki, but no one ever really stepped up to the plate.
brian. i am very interested in this concept. do you have any information about when it would come out, and what price it would be at?
These T2 issues you are talking about, you mean in 1v1s, right? That people play them in tiny planets and expect to go to T2 when the game ends in 10 minutes? And weren't the naval issues solved with the latest update? It just sounds like you are bored of the game to me. Did you try playing team games with people? I have not yet come across anyone who plays team games and says he is bored of the game. It seems only 1v1 players have serious issues, because this game is not really meant to be played 1v1.
The naval situation was reversed. Previously you never used naval no matter what, now if you can use naval if you don't you lose. When it comes to T2, he's referring to the direction of it. He prefers how T2 is in Statera or the RCBM, cheaper and less powerful, more specialist than straight upgrade.
Shallow Space is gonna be having a Kickstarter in the next month or two, and we tentatively plan on an Early Access in April. Hit up the newsletter to stay up to date. We're not ready to reveal a price. I don't like how T2 is upgrades. I believe a lower barrier of entry with specialized units will provide much greater strategic depth. I also don't like how if you try and step up to T2 and the factory gets destroyed, it's a HUGE setback. It, and other things, makes recovery very difficult if not impossible. I also don't like how little unit variety there is. Not to mention the orbital issues. You're right, I haven't played or casted in a while. But there was very little variety in all of the matches that were submitted to me. PA used to have a lot more diversity and was a lot more fun to cast. Players used all sides of the planet rather than the shortest distance between two points and then some slight deviations of that... And I know there's gonna be people who come back to this with their reasons why PA has a lot of diversity or why they think the balance is good of whatever. But, I simply don't enjoy PA as much as I used to. I don't like the current balance. My time is very limited these days, and I have to make priorities with my time.
Fair enough, though I'd recommend looking at some of the games on the new custom maps... That last one in the loc tourney was brilliant (hint tunnels with pathable terrain above and below!). Also that loc mod... It is very fun. Good luck with shallow space anyway. Also have you seen the kickstarter for 'into the stars'?
Brian did a really good little write-up on Shallow Space for the Realm's site: