Okay so I have looked through dozens or forums and fixes, none of which do anything for anyone from what im reading I have this game on steam. I open the game, starts up nicely, plays the intro video, as soon as thats done it goes to menu which is just a black screen of nothingness. the image attached is an actual screen shot of the game in the main menu. I managed to get the black screen to go away by going to the game folder and going to bin_x86 and open the .exe there, it loads great and the menu shows. but the second i click.. the screen goes black again.. please help, i payed for this game and i cant use it.
Best start it's provide your DxDiag.txt so someone can check what can be wrong. Also worth to check incompatible software list: http://steamcommunity.com/app/233250/discussions/2/558751813508748383/