Hey, Could it be possible to add more game modes? I would like the supremacy mode from Supreme Commander where every last unit and building has to be destroyed before building.
Errgh. I´d hate that mode! If the system doesn´t feature a MetalPlanet a game supremacy could simply result in end- as well as pointless retreats and guerillia attacks. Don´t get me wrong, I love how retreat and Multi-Basing are (well, it depends on the build, it´s not that present in the current one) valuable options in PA. But a supremacy mode would be too much for me!
I loved supremacy in C&C and Supreme Commander. It is just too easy imo too just hunt the commander and get him. :c
I asked about this a fair while ago, because I too prefer the "destroy everything" modes to "commander snipe" mode. If I am remembering properly the response was along the lines of "we want to be able to give you the options to have different victory conditions, maybe initially through making the functionality available through mods, and later trying to push it into the game itself". I'll see if I can track down the response I got back then and fact check my remembering. It was quite a few months ago now, but I do remember it was something they were wanting to make available, just hadn't been able to yet. Edit: from the July 28th 2014 update (http://www.uberent.com/pa/2014/07/28/uber-weekly-update-728/) Will we be getting an annihilation victory condition where we must kill commander, factories, and fabricators? That’s a great question. Different victory conditions (and new modes, even) are on the agenda. One of the wonderful things about our short-term goals for modding, however, is that want to give you the power to make cool victory conditions and modes.
the problem was when you played supremacy on an 81k map and it became nearly impossible to find that last unit.
Supremacy isn't the same as annihilation. Finding engineers has always been fairly easy, and buildings can't move.
This would be good. It's much too easy to kill the enemy commander regardless of difficulty level and then of course it becomes game over. This and a save game function would be great additions for single player games.
I would like to see some traditional game modes like complete destruction, kill all mobile units and also maybe some new objective based ones like destroy specific players, or be the first to build something (a nuke) on a specific planet, be the first to get ground forces or the commander to land on every planet, king of the hill (control an area of a planet for a certain amount of time), the first to build a certain number of units (maybe of a specific type), etc. I'd also like to see game options like Set all enemies/allies to same color, No Orbital, No Nukes, No Annihilaser (or maybe a laser cooldown timer option at least), No Air, or maybe a no attack timer (force all to ally with no vision for a period of time, then force no allies afterward), etc. Lastly, I'd like to see AI options like Turtle, Rush, Prioritize Ground or Air, etc. Edit - A save game option would help beginners and friends continue long battles that they don't want to end. Also, the promise of picking up on a save game at any point, even if it wasn't yours (this was supposed to be integrated into the Chronocam eventually) would be cool. This would allow for some very interesting battle testing.
I'm in for this. But not all units just fabbers and commander. Not units. If you think you have lost you can always surrender to end the game it has no point after 1 hour of battle to hide a single fabber.