I have figured out how to add custom csg, but I cannot get them with textures. They are black when added, or make a hole in the planet when subtracted. The test csg works just fine. Is there any way to export custom csg without using 3ds max? P.S. The blender exporter does not export the textures or materials.
You don't need to export textures or materials. Textures just have the same name as model and converted to papa from png separetly using papatran. Last time I tried to make CSGs with 3ds max it didn't quite work either.
That's only true for units; brushes have the textures included inside the papa file. I'm guessing there's a particular flag/parameters for papatran to do this. The Blender exporter won't work for csg; both because of this and because brushes also use a slightly different vertex format. It can read them in, but I only wrote the exporter to output in the unit vertex format.
I convert to fbx(with blender), then use papatran. I do not export with materials. In the papadump of a csg, there are textures and a material.
That's cool, I think a community custom csg pack could be a nice thing. So multiple mappers can benefit from 1 big extra csg mod !