Thank you for your wisdom Mogzai. I was so confused, but now Mogzai has shown me the light. Excuse me while I go mod in a laser shooting shark with an uber cannon equivalent to a planet smash for its secondary weapon. All hail founder of the cult of the laser shark.
Because Gandalf Just told me he is the best player in the whole world..... Im guessing if he used tanks hed be No 1 Please allow Uber time to studdy this thread to get a community understanding that the general consensuss is to nerf the tank back to the stone age. Nose breaker particulary likes this comment
In all seriousness, tanks are fairly OP. They are a massive macro unit and until they add more macro units to the game they'd need slight nerf. Basically a unit overhaul.
>trying to convince some of the top players that do mainly dox and only rarely use tanks in certain situations that tanks are OP.
Whom would these top players be .. So I Might follow their games and confirm myself non use of tanks.
Keep the comments to the debate, not the person. Please also avoid picture posts; it's not that kind of forum. Moving to Balance forum.
@elodea, @reptarking (you'll probably see him as gandalf in videos), @cptconundrum ( is his smurf in 3rd place). Watch any of the most recent tournaments, very rarely does anyone go mass tanks, as before you can even think of going tanks there are dox running around in your base. Dox speed and versatility allow it to cover the map in very little time, kill your very first expanpansion fabbers as well as even dodge enemy fire through micro that anyone can master, not to mention theyee incredibly cheap, can go under water, AND fire at air units (albeit very terribly).
Hard dox can beat hard tanks in my experience.... it depends on the map though. That small lava map for instance (with loads of choak points) is much better for tanks than dox, as you force the dox into tight spaces and can get inferno's up close to them. Dox are better on larger maps with open spaces, and also on maps with water / trees which limit tank movement. I actually think the current balance between tanks / bots is pretty good right now. Nerfing tanks would be a bad idea.
Just watch yaegz replays. You will see how 'op' dox are in hands of good player Anyway, it's all very map dependant.
I'm not a top player. My smurf is currently #9 after only 27 games. Playing more games would eventually cause me to run into good players and drop pretty far. That's what happened to my main account yesterday when three bad games dropped me from #13 to #17.
If 20 and below (heck I'd go to say even 50 or below) doesn't mean top player.. then- that's weird. =P
my exibition match vs yaegz the other day on my stream showed the skill difference between number one and 20th pretty well. he wrecked me like i was bronze