A little frustrated...

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by epic4242, December 2, 2014.

  1. websterx01

    websterx01 Post Master General

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    Don't be silly tastu, we know it did happen, just not in a remotely playable or effective way :p

    That's why they hardcoded the player limit into the server code!

    While @cola_colin is totally right that we can run 40p games, its clear that we can't do it effectively, which is why (I belive) that you don't count it.

    Edit: sniped!
    tatsujb likes this.
  2. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Wasn't the player limit set at 200 for that one time?
  3. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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  4. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    For that one match that was like a come one come all but never started due to Uber advising it not to.
  5. tenaciousc

    tenaciousc Active Member

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    I had a conversation with a friend who was on the fence about buying the game. He has since bought it but his really, really big issue was that it was given an official release but was still broken and incomplete. While I agreed that releasing a game officially while missing advertised features was lame, I argued that it is sort of a made up gripe. If they had kept it in beta (or gamma) and done everything else the same, he would have no issue. It was the act of calling the game "released" while not being done that bugged him. It was a phrasing thing. On principle, he's right, or at least I should say that I agree. I still don't understand why Uber decided to call this an official release. My only guess is that it is a legal or business thing. I read an article recently about how many games are being released broken, and it was a good number of games, high profile games too.
    cptconundrum, lokiCML and mjshorty like this.
  6. schuesseled192

    schuesseled192 Active Member

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    about a three years early...
  7. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Three years? If they waited to long they'd probably go bankrupt.
  8. davidwmiller

    davidwmiller New Member

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    I'm firmly in the camp of believing PA has more than earned it's cost by this point, but I hate that argument and it shows up all the time for all kinds of games. How does time spent relate to value? I could spend the next 10 hours staring at my wall, doesn't support the idea that the experience is worth $10.

    Something being a time sink does not raise it's value. Hell, it's the opposite. If I could get the same level of enjoyment out of something while magically not losing time out of my life to do so, that would be amazing.
  9. schuesseled192

    schuesseled192 Active Member

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    The game's value is irrelevant, it is unfinished. No game should be unfinished. They want to charge £500 per copy of the finished game, go nuts, pricing is their business. Simple fact is that this game is that the game has lots more work needed to meet it's design goals if that is even possible.
  10. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    When is finished? Finished is completely subjective. Was minecraft considered finished when it hit Release 1.0 even though they continued to update it in the same way they did before that?
    DeadStretch likes this.
  11. Abaddon1

    Abaddon1 Active Member

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    Sorry if it is overly philosophical but what the heck would a "finished game" even be? There's never a time when something more couldn't be added. Do you mean a game that's bug free? What are some examples of a "finished" game. Do you just mean ones that there aren't any ways anyone plans to expand it?
    kayonsmit101 and squishypon3 like this.
  12. nick2k

    nick2k Active Member

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    For me it does. That's why I put that "my opinion" part lol. My reasoning for my opinion is that i've spent 60 dollars on a couple triple A titles and only gotten maybe 6 hours max. And if you payed 10 dollars to stare at a wall you are getting ripped off :p *sarcasm*
  13. schuesseled192

    schuesseled192 Active Member

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    Game's have always had expansions, and have had patches since the internet became a little easier to access. No I'm talking about finishing the base game, optimisation, features, (minimap!) etc. prior to actually releasing the game. You saw some of uber's post's

    "Oooh man, we will keep working so it doesn't matter about the release, oooh, why you mad consumer who bought the game in a retail box, not listed as in devlopment, ooooh, our bad, nah kidding, your bad."

    So yes I'm not impressed this game was released unfinished and barely working.
  14. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    does it matter in the end? It's not like development has stopped. I am sure the game one day will be in a state that you consider finished.
    squishypon3 likes this.
  15. schuesseled192

    schuesseled192 Active Member

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    There's that hope coolade. Hopefully the game lives up to it.
  16. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Tastes pretty sweet if you ask me.
  17. blocky22

    blocky22 Member

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    The secret is to have reusable games.
  18. blocky22

    blocky22 Member

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    I've spent time frustrated about the lack of innovation on PA and gaming industry as a whole. Plz take a look at my other posts, what mostly concerns me personally is the lack of interest in my an other suggestions for "Mega-Units".

    The announcement of Human Resources caused me a load of concern.
  19. emraldis

    emraldis Post Master General

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    I've spent time frustrated about the lack of innovation on PA[/QUOTE]

    -Spherical planets
    -Multi-planet gameplay
    -No unit cap
    -IIRC the AI is pretty innovative for this kind of game, especially considering what it has to deal with
    -Planet smashing, and most other "Game-ending-weapons" in this game in general

    As for mega-units, there have been many threads on this, and pointing to why they won't be in vanilla, or at least the style of mega-unit that was in the supcom series.
  20. g0hstreaper

    g0hstreaper Well-Known Member

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    I know where your coming from, after a few years you would hope that they would have done alot more than make promises then do things which many people wouldn't agree with. Trust me I get ya, really I think you just need to play with some friends. Just having fun with it is the only way to love it, forget the forum (cause there really stingy and usually go on about shields or something)

    Forget sharing army's with public players (many know what I mean and if you don't then just keep playing and you'll know why )

    Just play with your friends or someone who wants to play with you and just play the game, sounds weird but the most fun I have had is a 5v5's with my friends, fun stuff:)

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