Rank inactivity? (Poll)

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by reptarking, December 31, 2014.


Rank Inactivity affecting Rating?

  1. Proposal 1 - Gold and lower no decay, plat/uber decay

  2. Proposal 2- Silver and lower no decay, gold-uber decay

  3. Proposal 3- Platinum and lower no decay, uber only decays

  4. Proposal 4- All ranks get bonus points for playing more games a week

  5. Proposal 5- All ranks get bonus for playing more in a week but plat/uber get higher bonus

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. reptarking

    reptarking Post Master General

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    So someone in the thread about smurfs brought up the idea of you losing mmr/rating which effects your rank based off inactivity. i fully agree with this idea so i made this poll to see a general opinion on the matter.

    Proposal 1- Gold, Silver, and Bronze do not decay through inactivity but Platinum and Uber do. Platinum decays at 1 rank a day after being inactive for 7 days or more, if inactive for over 30 days they drop to Gold. Uber decays at 1 rank a day after being inactive for 3 days or more and drop to platinum if they are inactive for over 21 days.

    Proposal 2- Silver, and Bronze do not decay through inactivity but Gold through Uber do. Gold decays 1 rank a day after being inactive 10 days or more, if inactive for over 45 days they drop to Silver. Platinum decays at 1 rank a day after being inactive for 7 days or more, if inactive for over 30 days they drop to Gold. Uber decays at 1 rank a day after being inactive for 3 days or more and drop to platinum if they are inactive for over 21 days.

    Proposal 3- Platinum and lower do not decay through inactivity but Uber do. Uber decays at 1 rank a day after being inactive for 3 days or more and drop to platinum if they are inactive for over 21 days.

    Proposal 4- No decay for inactivity, All ranks get bonus points for having 10, 25, 50, 100, games played in a week. Bonus points would be rating points(what your rank is based off of, a hidden mmr/rating, so theoretically lets say a win gets you 10 points usually) 10 game bonus points = 10 points, 25 game bonus = 30 bonus points, 50 games bonus = 65 bonus points, 100 game bonus = 130 bonus points.

    Proposal 5- No decay for inactivity, You get bonus points based off rank and number of games played a week. (based off theoretical idea that each win on average gives 10 points a game towards your hidden rating/mmr) bonus points achieved for playing 10, 25, 50, 100 games a week. At 10 wins you get 1% bonus off gross gain during the week, at 25 games you get 2% bonus off gross gain during week, 50 games you get 3.5% bonus off gross gain during week, at 100 games you get 5% bonus off of gross gain during week.

    with the % bonus based off gross gain during the week that means if i played 100 games and won 50% of my games at 10 points each won game i would gain a bonus 5% off of 500 points gross adding up 25 bonus points earned that week. If someone was in bronze and they were improving really fast and defeating better opponents then them and earning an avg of 15 points a game and played 100 games and for the week in those 100 games earned a 70% win rate there gross gain would be 1050 points, 5% bonus earned because of playing 100 games in that week would get them 52.5 bonus points!

    these are all things I have theory crafted but in my opinion would help the stagnation of the ladder and force the top to be more active or else they loose spots, also doing a combination of Proposals 1 and 5 is in my personal opinion the best, this would make playing only once every 3 days let you keep your current rating but would not let you keep your current spot in rank because other more active people would be getting bonus for playing actively and going after the bonus.
    allister, cdrkf and xankar like this.
  2. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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  3. reptarking

    reptarking Post Master General

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  4. bengeocth

    bengeocth Post Master General

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    I disagree with decay, personally, but whatevs. I think waiting longer in between your matches should boost your score for beating someone- as it is in default by the glicko.
  5. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    None of the above, because I think decay could be done as a percent of your current rating. That would cause higher ranked players to naturally decay faster than lower ones. I'm sure even my idea is too simplistic, though.
    stuart98, squishypon3, cdrkf and 3 others like this.
  6. reptarking

    reptarking Post Master General

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    so with your suggestion if yaegz waits until he is 1 month inactive and then wins some games no one can then catch him for 2 months, because he is sitting getting the time factor down for glicko and then will explode upwards again, as for people like elodea with hundreds of games played elodea will never catch yeagz in glicko. atleast not while being inactive from rank actually helps you gain much faster when you do play
  7. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't really do "decay by 1 rank", as it's based of an underlying score which is then used to determine rank position. Therefore, there isn't a consistent margin of difference between each rank. Decay would be based on loss of score, which may or may not move you down one (or more) rank positions.
  8. g0hstreaper

    g0hstreaper Well-Known Member

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    I think he means like the higher the ranking the higher the % decay rate, so a lower rate would have a significantly lower decay vs a higher ranked one
    cdrkf likes this.
  9. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    Its hard to say what would help without knowing how uber are currently handling mmr, points, and rankings. They would need to communicate with us in detail about how they've implemented that system.

    We all know they use glicko, but that's like half the picture.

    *We don't even know if they are going to do season resets or not
    Quitch and lokiCML like this.
  10. reptarking

    reptarking Post Master General

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    yea as i said this is all based on theory because uber has not fully told us how they do the rankings fully, we know the base as you said but glicko has so many factors if they change one or even dont have one of them or added one of there own the whole thing is thrown off for all of this. I'm not sure if uber will ever fully disclose how they do rankings equationally wise because someone will find the most optimal way of ranking up for the highest gain and taking the lowest losses.
    lokiCML and elodea like this.
  11. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    It's more we don't know how they are determining rankings. Whether it's purely glicko mmr or mmr/points hybrid, how they handle promotions between leagues (if they are even making those distinctions), how points and/or ratings are determined from wins and losses, and whether it's a zero sum game.
    lokiCML, Quitch and g0hstreaper like this.
  12. Yaegz

    Yaegz Active Member

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    There should be more bonus pool for higher ranks imo and not necessarily decay. For example, I just played two ranked games on each of my accounts so no decay for me. Brb, afk for the next 3 weeks. Huehuehue.
  13. kryovow

    kryovow Well-Known Member

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    bonus no, just hide inactive players after 4 weeks. when they get back, they can start with their old rating.
    onyxia2 likes this.
  14. WaylanderPK

    WaylanderPK Member

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    Decay, it would really be better for the 1v1 ranked game if the rankings where represented of current skill, not games played 1 or 2 weeks ago. It rewards active players and has adds dynamism that can only help keep people trying to not only better their ranking , but defend it.
    cdrkf likes this.

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