Hello , I bought the game. At the beginning of the battle PA.EXE an error and the game freezes . Help please .
Hi, This is likely your issue. Try to install newest AMD drivers (Omega) and see if it's better. Also, noticed your language is set to Russian. I think PA doesn't really like Cyrillic characters in Windows username, if that's your case. They might have fixed that since, I don't really know.
Just to add to this, get your drivers directly from www.amd.com rather than trying to get from another source.
OK im having the exact same problem and im sooo upset, the game crashes usually upon startup or in game and says PA.exe has stopped working.... Ok so i just made my first Dxdiag so i don't know if its done correct but here it is
It didn't allow me to download the driver saying, "The driver being installed is not validated for this computer, please obtain the appropriate driver from the computer manufacturer." Idek... Do you know what this means cause i sure dont...
Hum, I'm not really sure why. In this situation, I would try to uninstall previous Intel hd gpu driver and then install the one from https://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?DwnldID=24329 Do you have an entry in Control Panel / Programs related to Intel HD Graphics or similar ? That would be the one to uninstall. Alternatively, you may wait for anyone else's stronger advice / expertise
Ok, i went to Sony's site, looked for Vaio, found my model and all its drivers sooo.... I should be good!
The drivers on their site may not be fully up to date though they will be easiest option. Try their updated driver first, if that doesn't work then I'm happy to give you details of how to make the driver direct from Intel install properly.
well. I downloaded literally every single driver that Vaio had under my computer's model and nope, still doesn't work.... so now i wanna do it your way. It's a last resort at this point cause I have no idea what to do now....
Ok, it isn't so bad First, download the latest Intel driver directly from their website from the following link: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?DwnldID=24329 Choose the '.zip' version as the standard installer wont work due to your machine being a laptop (even though it is correct). Then you need to follow the instructions listed here: http://www.intel.com/support/graphics/sb/CS-030331.htm Note the above is for Windows XP however the principal is the same. Essentially all you need to do is: 1: Unzip the driver package into a folder where you can easily find it later (e.g. create a folder called 'Driver' on your desktop then unzip it in there). 2: Go into control panel (you can find this at the bottom of 'PC Settings' from the RH menu in Windows 8 if I remember correctly) and then open Device manager. 3: Under the 'Graphics Adapter' section right click on your graphics card (should be listed as HD4000) and choose update driver. Then use the options as shown in the link I gave you to manually choose the zip driver you've downloaded rather than looking automatically. 4: The driver *should* install correctly- and after doing that PA should work fine.
Well. It says that I already have that driver, i must have downloaded it at the Vaio site.... It still crashes regardless and, it says sometimes that i don't have enough memory and then it closes PA.... I reopened it and monitored my memory with task manager and it peaked at around 67% before it crashed which seems odd because i have 5.88 gigs of ram. It goes from 30 odd percent and then skyrockets to the 60's... I just did it again but with Skype and Youtube playing and it peaked at 69% again when it crashed. Prior to the crash it was sitting at 60 and then hit 69-70%. I'm at a loss here because the computer was saying that it was out of memory before but now once i did it twice more and it didn't even come close to maxing out :/. I know that i have the proper drivers but the game still crashes regardless... I'm going to run some PC care programs and bit-defender and see if that does anything, if not then i guess i'm not playing PA...
Just to check, can you please upload a new dxdiag with the updated driver. It sounds odd that your machine is crashing at 70% memory usage. PA uses quite a bit for bigger maps but it would max it & use page file before crashing in my experience... Edit, @SXX do you have that list of incompatible software? it could be something on there causing this issue...
Your problem caused by outdated drivers: Code: Card name: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 Driver Version: Driver Date/Size: 8/22/2012 05:44:58, 8281600 bytes To update drivers download and install "win64_153330.exe" from Intel website: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?DwnldID=24329&lang=eng&ProdId=3711 If you get "not validated for this computer" error download ZIP version of driver from same page and then install it using this instruction: http://steamcommunity.com/app/233250/discussions/2/558749190911446231/