As i watch this video, over time the sound doesnt match with the video and gets worse... why is that? (Any ideas) Thanks in advance.
At 1:40 your recording skipped and the sound was fucked from then on. Record in lower settings or free up some processor space when you record.
How does one free up some processor space? side note: i know nothing about computers, except for the basic stuff, unless... that is basic stuff then i know nothing. ignore this^ forgot google existed for a minute
step 1 - check your video. Does the raw capture do that? If so you don't have enough computer power to capture with those settings. Turn the quality down. If it is fine move on. Step 2 - download the video from the you tube. Does it still skip? If so there is a problem with the conversion when you are uploading. Try uploading the raw uncompressed file. Does it work fine after that? Do that from now on. If neither of those work, let me know and we can continue.
If it's the raw video then you can always unsync the video and audio in a video editing program and match it back up.