Yet another pa.exe has stopped working.

Discussion in 'Support!' started by gallowglass, December 22, 2014.

  1. gallowglass

    gallowglass New Member

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    I'd be pulling my hair out if I had any. Game was running fine for some time then I took a break from it and came back to almost never being able to complete a match. video just stops and after half a minute or so crash to desktop with pa.exe has stopped working.
    Tried all the fixes I could find.
    Ran launcher direct from uber instead of steam... nogo.
    set virtual memory to 12gb minimum... nogo
    Deactivated integral motherboard video adapter... nogo.
    Made sure had latest amd drivers for video card... nogo.
    Tried beta drivers... nogo
    set pa launcher to run as admin... nogo.
    Tried turning off every little background program and turned off av... nogo.
    turned off multiple monitors and just used one... nogo.
    Here's the dxdiag and several of the crashed log files.
    Any help would be vastly appreciated as this is driving me nuts.

    Attached Files:

    cdrkf likes this.
  2. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    This is odd... Your the third person I've seen with this, all with this issue have dual core machines too. I wonder if that has something to do with it.

    @jables, @mkrater there is something strange going on here.

    They won't be in the office until this evening due to time difference. It's weird as I've been playing lots of this build with no problem...
  3. gallowglass

    gallowglass New Member

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    Thanks for the reply. This has been one of the most finicky games I've ever played but I have gotten it to run successfully in the past. Oh one thing to note. I tried setting the settings to low from medium. No help. just for kicks trie high. the settings didn't make one difference as to how fast the error occurs. its completely random as far as I can tell. every once in a great while I complete a match but that's the exception not the rule.
  4. gallowglass

    gallowglass New Member

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    Anyone out there have any ideas at all?
  5. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    It really looks like you tried all of the usual suspects already (and then some). The only thing that I can think of is to try the --software-ui flag, which will render the UI using software, rather than on your graphics card. Just in case it's rendering something that causes a crash. It's extremely unlikely that that will work though, but since you tried everything else...

    Maybe @SXX or some of the devs have some ideas. Although around the Holiday season it might be hard to get a hold of anybody.
  6. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    I have one idea that could get the game working, but it's probably a bit 'overkill' as solutions go...

    Have you considered dual booting your machine with Linux? I'd recommend looking at Ubuntu or Linux Mint. By all accounts the game should work under Linux ok with a few minor tweaks, @DeathByDenim can probably tell you more on that.
  7. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    Yeah, it works fine on Linux for me, but that is really overkill. Not probably. :)

    I forgot to mention this, but there is a list of software known to cause trouble, which can be found here:
  8. Alpha2546

    Alpha2546 Post Master General

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    Hmm so the game fires up good yet it crashes halfway through. Things that come in mind is there is something wrong with the installation or something wrong with your computer.

    Have you tried removing everything ( including mods and pamm) and reinstalling with steam or the uberlauncher. In some rare cases PAMM can cause some trouble. If not try that out.

    After removing mods and pamm check AppData\Local\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation\mods for files. I'd recommend doing the same checkup for the steam or uberlauncher folder after removing the game.

    Good luck.
  9. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Only suspicious thing I see in your config is:
    System Devices
         Name: NVIDIA GeForce 8300
    If there any chance you even had any Nvidia drivers installed I would recommend to remove them.
    Also I would recommend to disable this integrated graphics card in BIOS.

    Anyway I would recommend to click on "View problem details" in "stopped working" window and check if
  10. gallowglass

    gallowglass New Member

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    Hmmm.. ok. disabling nvidia onboard made no difference.
    I totally removed the game when I went from steam to uber launcher so its a new install with the same behavior.

    I'm not installing Linux for this issue. :/

    Anything else?
  11. gallowglass

    gallowglass New Member

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    Oh and there IS NO ""View problem details" in "stopped working" window " option.
  12. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    It's mean you're most likely disabled it in past.
    As far as I remember it's some debugging-related service in Windows Administration tool.

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