I thought about this and almost did it, but there are only three systems. As soon as we get 5 or more I can easily give them their own tab.
Let me know if there are problems, but as far as I know there was nothing I needed to do to make it work besides a small ui update.
You will need to talk to the leaders of Realm and get the admin mod that unlocks sharing to their server.
Not sure what data isn't be transferred, but something is breaking custom maps. Example Fields of Isis on default server. No custom CSG data from the looks of it.
I've had a couple other reports of this happening but then when I import a .pas and share it everything seems to work. I am hoping it is something simple like maybe the CSG doesn't upload if the CSG editor mode is currently active. *Edit* Actually maybe I need to do the UberUtility function that fixes up the json. I'll get this problem solved, I'm sure of that.
Is it possible to get the name of the server included as an attribute in the system definition JSON returned from the search web query? Eg (using a genesis map pack map as an example, but pretend it's part of the returned JSON from a server search call): Code: { "name" : "Caledonia", "players": [ 2, 2 ], "planets" : [ { "name" : "Caledonia", "mass" : 20000, "position_x" : 21100, "position_y" : 100, "velocity_x" : -0.7295550107955933, "velocity_y" : 153.93467712402344, "required_thrust_to_move" : 0, "starting_planet" : true, "planet" : { "seed" : 11430, "radius" : 596, "heightRange" : 65, "waterHeight" : 47, "temperature" : 70, "metalDensity" : 73, "metalClusters" : 33, "biomeScale" : 50, "biome" : "earth", "numArmies" : 2, "landingZonesPerArmy" : 0, "landingZoneSize" : 200 } } ], "creator" : "[RLM]Max", "version" : "1.0", "date" : "2014/11/06", "description" : "Earthlike planet with alot of water and water metal. Some interesting land movement options as well if you want to ignore all that. All spawns are vulnerable to naval bombardment to some degree however.", "server": "Exodus eSports" }
I could update the servers to do that, but what is the reason for it? Also, are you aware of this file that the mod uses to get the server list?
I don't strictly need it (as I can/am currently populating this field when I load in the map data), but if you just call the search from one of the URLs there's no indication from the result what server they are from - would just be neater to grab that info directly from the JSON. If it's more than a trivial amount of work don't worry too much. Here's the maps loaded in PA Hub, sorted & grouped by server: You'll also be able to sort by number of planets in the system and number of players. There's 263 maps total, in case anyone was wondering
I've made some progress in figuring out the problem with custom CSG planets. Loading the map from system sharing in the system designer works fine, it's only when you're loading the map from the lobby that all CSGs and metal spots are wiped.
Maybe sometimes. It doesn't seem quite that consistent. Sorian suggested that it might have to do with the way they store some values in the db now instead of the json blob.
Yeah that's weird. From what I saw they store the CSG data for a map in the index db, but the other map data seemed to be not in there. So from what I saw the maps are split: A part is somewhere in localstorage, another part in the indexdb. Weird setup imho.
But .pas files store everything in json, so I might just need to hook into their export function and then share that.