I may just be blind, but I can't find a way to make subsystems like on the Battlefield map. Can anyone help?
You mean like moons and stuff? I believe the target moon needs to have less mass and/or be smaller then the planet it orbits in order to 'lock on' so to speak. I wonder if I can still make gas giant moons, as they is really fun to do.......
So I have no idea what I am doing.... When I click the moon at the bottom it automatically spawns a moon orbiting the sun.
You can drag the planets about to change their orbits. If they are small enough and light enough they should change their orbit to nearby planets rather then the sun. Also 'Moon' means a planet the orbits another, rather then the moon biome planet specifically.
Alright thanks. Apparently my planet was just glitching. I put one of the same near it and it worked.