>Mfw I try to take down a comedy movie based around my assassination and my death scene is leaked. Spoiler: Death Gif. Spoiler: Video uploaded by yours truly. John Madden, John Madded.
From somewhere else on the interwebs. http://www.nydailynews.com/entertai...cene-interview-leaks-online-article-1.2049881
The mere idea that our supreme, glorious, level 50 in all playlists while playing solo, leader Kim Jong-Un™ can die is blasphemous.
Fun fact: Apparently North Korea is denying that they were behind the hack attack, and are actually offering a joint inquiry with the U.S. so N.K. can prove its innocence. Going so far as to say that there are "grave consequences" to a denial of this offer.
Not impossible, it'd be a pretty genius move to generate buzz for the movie. Though a sliiiiiiiightly risky one considering Sony is based in Japan, and Japan is one of the few countries in range of N.K.'s ballistic missiles. I'm not saying they'll actually launch a nuclear attack, but there's always a chance. Unless NORTH KOREA AND JAPAN ARE BOTH IN ON IT TOGETHER!!