Problem: Shared Team Rage Quitters/Trolls/Com Deleters

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by fissure, December 18, 2014.


Implement a blacklist?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Alternative (comment below)

  1. fissure

    fissure Member

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    Played my first game of PA in a couple months tonight, and after about 15 minutes, someone on my team deleted all our coms, forcing us to lose the game. There's a friends list, but is there a way to block people from joining our games and blacklist people who don't play nice with others?

    Is it possible to implement a way to vote kick someone who presses delete on all the coms, without the coms blowing up, so the rest of the team can at least have a say in whether or not to throw the game? There should be a failsafe in case someone tries to do that, to require user input from the other players first. That's my thought anyways.

    I've heard this is a recent problem (last 2 months I've been gone) where trolls have made 'shared armies' a liability, instead of something potentially beneficial, or enabling a different playstyle. I'd like to see something done to mitigate this, if we can't remove them from our community.

    As part of the blacklist, it would be great if the person's name would be in red, or something else if they're in a game lobby you didn't host. This way, you could inform others that they're on your blacklist, even if you can't remember their name (who can remember every alias they come across?).
    slocke likes this.
  2. slocke

    slocke Active Member

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    I fully support this. I think what's needed is for text in all chat to come up whenever anyone deletes a comm. It can be hard to tell sometimes who deleted a comm. If both teams can see who did it then it will boost the effectiveness of a blacklist.

    Some alternatives to a blacklist could be a reporting system. This would cover a larger amount of issues that a growing community will face. Or instead of being able to delete your comm you can only delete it by using a concede button. In team games trying to concede will bring up a vote that all players must agree on for it to destroy the comms. Or that you can only delete the comm that you spawned in with.

    PA will definitely need some way to punish bad behaviour as the community grows.
    nosebreaker and Geers like this.
  3. nateious

    nateious Active Member

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    Hmm, can you see who issued the delete command in a replay? If not that might be a good feature to implement. Someone did it to this the opposing team in this game.
    Geers likes this.
  4. theseeker2

    theseeker2 Well-Known Member

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    or... you could just deactivate self-destruct in shared team games? I'm opposed to blacklists
  5. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    put people on a personal "dont want to play with" list ...
    i however disagree on official witchhunting ...
  6. brandonpotter

    brandonpotter Well-Known Member

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    This is exactly why I dont play online... :\
  7. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Thankfully most games don't end this way :p

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