I have decided that the best way to better myself is to have a few tutors, and I can't decide who I want to join- definetly between PAG and Realm. I'm sure that PAG has stricter entrance standards, and I am confident I qualify for them. If a rep from both could respond, especially from PAG, as I cannot find a PAG website or thread. PAG is a little higher, as I would love to associate myself with people such as @elodea. I am aware that Realm has no lack of talent. u wot m8 get rekt dunno which flippin clan yo swag yolo
Most players that are in PAG have proven themselves to be some of the best 1v1 players. You pretty much have to prove yourself to us and then someone will say I like the look of bengeocth and he seems like a nice guy. That's usually how it works. At the minute we are not actively looking until clan wars allows for more players to join. I would recommend to you or anyone else interested in Pag is to get good , come to irc and ask me or any other member for a game. Edit: what's your in game name? Can't find bengeocth on pastats.
The Realm's talent ranges from the bottom of the barrel to near PAG levels. Though the PA community has backed of a bit, you would still be likely to find a partner to train with. I think @reptarking is always looking for somebody to play against. Keep in mind that much of the Realm is European so the peak population on the TS is before their bedtime, and for a short while us Americans and Europeans mingle as we get off work and they go off to bed. Except Custard. He doesn't sleep.
What a glory supporter Edit: Also if you want some training matches, Promethean have quite an active TS server (especially on Wednesdays) with most people on around 18:00 to 23:00 UTC time zone. Details can be found here: https://sites.google.com/site/prometheanpa/contact