Galactic War Loss Stakes

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Tergo247, December 7, 2014.

  1. Tergo247

    Tergo247 New Member

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    I apologize if this has already been covered, but I couldn't fine a comprehensive GW thread... so I've been having a great deal of fun in the Galactic War single player campaign. I like how one has to choose their perks carefully and play to their randomized strengths. I realize I'm in a small percentage of people that wouldn't even consider playing multiplier, but having said that I'm not a fan of a few things:

    1. Please get rid of the Abandon War button for the in-game menu. A war is a multi-session endeavor, a player would have no reason to end this huge overarching thing over a single battle. If they do decide they hate their tech perks and wish to restart the entire war over it, the main menu is arguably a far more suitable place to do that. Twice now I've accidentally "deleted my save file" if you will. Not cool doesn't begin to cover it.

    2. Offer a restart from the in-game menu.

    3. I personally dislike the whole "annihilation is final" concept, maybe I'm a wuss I don't know. It just doesn't make sense that if I lose a single battle, I lose the entire war. The AI commanders are losing battle after battle (if I'm doing my job), why am I different? I may have half the galaxy covered, but one wrong turn in one battle and it all comes to a screeching halt, with no save to load and no option to restart the battle?

    I understand the intent was to make the stakes high and the campaign hardcore, and maybe it's a good idea to maintain that in some sort of "hardcore mode" like the latest Thief game. If that's the case, make the act of leaving the game in battle abandon the war to stop players from quitting battles that aren't going their way. However, I'd be way happier in wuss mode where I can restart battles and slowly take the whole map over the course of weeks.
  2. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Alt-f4 If you're about to lose and just retry the battle. :)
  3. mjshorty

    mjshorty Well-Known Member

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    but thats a really stupid exploit =P
  4. nevr0n

    nevr0n New Member

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    You are not alone in your complaint about the abandon war button.

    I don't play multi either. 90% of my time in PA has been GW.

    Personally the abandon war option didn't confuse me, but I do agree the wording needs to improve.

    "Annihilation is final" is fine with me. I did not like it until I played a few matches and got better at PA. I used to have to ALT-F4 sometimes as some people suggested.

    I don't see the harm in there being an option to retry, though. For people who don't want the option, there could be a "hardcore" mode...

    In fact, I'd rather there be an option to retry. I specifically stick with known working strategies/commander loadouts because I fear getting owned if I try something new.

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