Is there a way to see other people ranked? Also is there any profiles with stats etc.? If not, is uber thinking of it? How difficult would it be to implement? Thanks in advance (; shows stats of players with the PA stats mod installed but not everyone has the mod. I do hope an official stats system is released but it won't be soon.
So true Any word from uber in relation to this? Also , is there a way to watch our own replays? thats pretty important imo
Actually yeah you're right, at least its a known bug. You can watch replays on PA Stats but you will either have to copy the lobby ID or setup pastats.reg.
If you have PA Stats installed then you can see a list of your own games (well the ones you played with PA Stats enabled) on your profile, i.e. for me: On the game page you can find the replaylink that can be opened as described by kiwi
I already knew this and I'm using it a lot! Thanks for the response though. Its so easy to just click that link and then it'll open up pa automatic. @jables are you guys aware that the own replays don't really work? If not you need any info on it?