I am very excited. That shot of the X-wings looked really awesome. BUT: That lightsaber with the hilt looked really friggin' stupid. Actually on second/third/fourth/n^93rd view it might not by a lightsaber. The blade looks really unstable like it's an electric baton-thing. Which might actually be stupider but at least they didn't ruin the lightsaber if that's true. The Millenium Falcon is sexy. Stop spinning like a hyperactive child when filming it.
Stop whining. That was an amazing shot, imho. Also, they are making the lightsaber more.....real? I guess. Though I do agree the hilt thingy is kinda stupid. It is meant to be a plasma blade. What if the hilt were an exhaust vent or something and it was just spewing out excess? My Star Wars Fan-ism is turning back on. I WANT IT NOAW.
Yeah it was cool but it just kinda felt unnecessary. My concern is Abrams is gonna go nuts with it and do it every single time.
I think we all enjoyed the shots the crew made of the ships in the original movies, and I'm hoping this trilogy will both expand and continue that legacy. It's something new to Star Wars
I like the hilt thingy in the way that it makes it look like a sword… So it's not a lightsaber. It's a lightsword. Revolution! The new stormtrooper helmets though… meh. Also what the hell is a droid's head doing on something that looks like a rolling space football?
Wouldn't that "hilt" technically be the crossguard? I don't know much about swords but I thought that the hilt was the part of the sword you held, and the crossguard was the outward pieces of the hilt that could be used to capture an incoming enemy sword. Apart from that though, I'm cautiously looking forward to this! Though I have to wonder, why is the Millennium Falcon still here? Is this a continuation of Luke's story? Because I was under the impression that his story was over when the Death Star was destroyed AGAIN, Palpatine was chucked down a hole, Vader redeemed himself and then f*cking DIED.
Well I wrote that three seconds before I googled how swords worked so it says hilt and not crossguard. The story is set 30(?) years after ROTJ and has new main characters, but older ones (literally) are still there.
So it turns out it really was Andy Serkis doing the narration after all. Right now you probably feel like you need more Star Wars. Here you go: