Build 75539 is live!

Discussion in 'Support!' started by jables, November 25, 2014.

  1. mjshorty

    mjshorty Well-Known Member

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    it would be nice to be able to load the planets in the map pool in system editor and also veto systems once we add more
    kjotak109 likes this.
  2. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    Will there be an official website leaderboard like SC2 and PAStats? I feel like that would be more convenient than starting up PA all the time.
    kjotak109 likes this.
  3. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    While you can freely grab the ladder stats over the web, these only use numerical UberIds, not names - to get the names you need a session ticket (eg., a logged in user). This is coming soon to a PA Hub near you!

    Last edited: November 26, 2014
  4. yrrep

    yrrep Member

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    79 shows it already and for quick reference I've cobbled something together as well. Doesn't update in real time though.
    Of course I'm aware both aren't exactly official.
    Quitch, cptconundrum and proeleert like this.
  5. keyxmakerx

    keyxmakerx Member

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    What every update this did, I've noticed a much needed improvement in the performance on linux. Thank you guys, I might have to take back some of the harsh reviews I've given. :)
    thetrophysystem likes this.
  6. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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  7. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Did you made actual tests?

    Let's say fair I'm not notice any great performance improvement.
  8. Arania

    Arania New Member

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    Not fixed. I'm still encountering this, and it's annoying as hell.
  9. aapl2

    aapl2 Active Member

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    Air is 60% of the game on 2/3rds of the maps, @jables please no.
  10. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    So played some gAmes last night and it was pretty obvious that dox are now broken, as was said with the PTE. Completely outclassed by tanks.

    The major problem with this however is that air is super strong now. The longer travel times and high choke points on the maps mean it is easy to defend your base with your ground units and thin theirs out before they get to your base. As has been stated a lot before, hummingbirds and ground aa are the main issue.

    There should be a time out for rage quitting, not sure if it's possible to see if the player loses connection to the game or selects exit. I know three minutes is not so long to wait for a reconnect but when people do it to leave a lost game it's just a **** move.

    Air pathing really needs to be addressed. There has been numerous posts about this. The units just stop for no apparent reason. Happens more over crevices etc. when your air units stop directly over the enemy commander which results in losing 15 units instead of 3 it can be the difference between winning and losing. Or planning an interception so your fabber doesn't get bombed and the fighter gets stuck. Bugs shouldn't affect the ladder.

    Ok rant over, the maps are great and the new ladder is really nicely done. Even after all the above mentioned stuff I had the most fun playing pa in a long time.
    cptconundrum likes this.
  11. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    Yeah true. so going air is how you should play it. So dont throw your toys out of the pram and rage quit cause you still think dox spam is good. If you are playing ranked and get annoyed losing to the meta you should probably stick to your FFA's. Better for your health.
  12. mayhemster

    mayhemster Well-Known Member

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    Glad you raised this one, I've lost many games when my air randomly stops over some AA and then suddenly I've lost the air war. The only way to use air effectively is to baby sit it and thats to the detriment of your base and expansion
  13. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    If you play like that you'll always keep believing air is best. It may be best, but how do you know without trying not to build it? :p

    I want the aa bot back. Just like it was before it was removed for some reason.
    Remy561 likes this.
  14. rivii

    rivii Well-Known Member

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    Because nothing stops a group of hummingbirds faster than a bigger group of hummingbirds ^^ It all results in who has the most hummingbirds. Yeah you can add spinners and aa turrets as a deterrent. But if they have enough air they just bomb the kittens out of all your ground aa. Their is no hard counter to hummingbirds except hummingbirds. That is the issue.
  15. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    I will believe it when someone beats me going no air. The reason it works so well is because the way the expansions work out. If mex were clumped nicer it would be more cost efficient to protect with aa. Larger distance between mex means it's harder to defend each one with the air player picking at will the mex he can.
  16. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    Could we get pause game back? Is it possible to just put a timer on it? There are legit situations where you do want to pause the game and it's frustrating when that happens.

    Also, can we get the ability to minimise the sidebar on the main menu?

    And can we get win/losses games played stat?

    Nice work on the maps i think they are too small that you can cover everything you need to with just one radar in your base, but yea they are much more playable than in pte.

    As for air, problem is dox aa always having been weak and unecessarily nerfed. Now that you properly nerf their vision range, you see that it was needed.
    cptconundrum and cola_colin like this.
  17. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Though that is a general advantage of air that you will never get rid of. The whole point of air is to be mobile to pick off everything unprotected.
    In turn however air should die horribly against anti air units, I think we mostly need a buff for them.
    Something like:

    • t1 aa turret: static aa defense. high range and high dps with little splash and inaccurarcy. Meant to get rid of air armies in general that are trying to attack a base.
    • t1 aa vehicle: short ranged, but high dps with little splash and inaccurarcy, has to deploy for splash damage to be added, deploy happens automatically when standing still, meant as a mobile version of the aa turret, so a slow vehicle. Meant to get rid of air armies in general that are trying to attack an outpost.
    • t1 aa bot: long ranged (but vision range is low, so needs scouts to be fully functional), but low dps, fast. Meant to protect mobile armies from attacking bombers. Uses rockets that move towards their target from below and hit them in a way that makes it impossible for fighters to stand between the rocket and the targeted bomber. They are not meant to destroy a whole air army, but especially to pick off anti ground air units that are attacking the army.
    • t2 aa turret: static, very high range, high dps, a lot of splash with very accurate shots.
    • t2 vehicle and bot just like t1, but with added splash damage with no need to deploy on the vehicle. Obviously generally more expensive, more hp, more dps. etc.
    • t1 dox: This is not an AA unit. Stop making multipurpose units.
    I am so burning for big balance patches with Uber explaining their changes, having them tested in PTE and then improving them again and again based on feedback.

    oh I forgot about the commander. Imho it should be as powerful as a static aa turret but instead of splash use the same kind of anti bomber weapon that the aa bots have. It's meant to protect the commander for air snipes and should make it very hard to snipe the commander without an unreasonable amount of t1 bombers. Only t2 air should be able to snipe commanders.
    Last edited: November 26, 2014
  18. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Clicking requeue still results in a "reconnect" screen. Clicking reconnect just crashed the client for me.
    Clopse likes this.
  19. maxcomander

    maxcomander Active Member

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    Totally agree with you there, I was taking part in a thread about dox being overpowered, At the time I agreed as at the time as I'd been dox rushed and lost in every ranked match, until I did the same at which point I then won every ranked match.

    However as my rank improved and I began to face better opponents I found dox rushing less effective as my air and land units would suffer and as a result my mid game was weaker.*

    My point is this...How you play, and the skill level of you're opponent will vastly effect you're perception of how balanced the game is, so having uber do a big balance pass with detailed explanation thread I think would be hugely beneficial.

    I also have a quick n00b question...Dose any one know how to move/edit mass spots in the latest version? I can do the the csg's ok but not mass spots.

    *Not based on gameplay of newest patch, this was from the first ranked game version.
    EDIT: Found out how to place mex, for anyone else having the use the M and B hotkeys.
    Last edited: November 26, 2014
  20. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    It seems that the reconnect option shows if someone is still reviewing the game, because that keeps the server running. A related issue is that clicking the Watch Replay button on someone will fail if someone is still reviewing their game because the replay only becomes available after the game server shuts down.

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