Would you play a PA MOBA?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by philoscience, November 23, 2014.


Would you play a PA MOBA mod?

  1. Strongly agree

  2. Agree

  3. Neither agree nor disagree

  4. Disagree

  5. Strongly Disagree

  1. pieman2906

    pieman2906 Well-Known Member

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    Maybe make the game more of an emphasis on using your teleporter network? maybe theres some way you can take more direct control of where your lane minions are going through how you link teleporters or something, i dunno.
  2. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    having indestructible teleports for lanes aswell as the jungle might be actualy a good idea ...

    lets imagine 4 planets of which 2 are the base and spawning planets one were the towers are that need to be destroid to get to the enemy planet as well as a jungle area and one with your high bonus creep .... would that be good mapwise?
    philoscience likes this.
  3. philoscience

    philoscience Post Master General

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    That is another good idea, adding more dynamism to lane control with teleporters. They might have cooldowns or something, or be easy to destroy and expensive. Also you could generally emphasize the new role of 'combat construction' that we see at play in comboxing. Mines, cheap walls that are destroyed easily, etc. So a com has to balance between combat and construction, and different com classes could be better at one or the other.
  4. knickles

    knickles Well-Known Member

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    I'd try it out. I think it'd be better if limited to as few planets as possible, but it's your thing so do whatev
  5. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    No. I dislike MOBAs on principle - they dumb down the gameplay for younger, less mature players. It's also completely based on experience - the more you play, the more things you know how to counter during play.

    MOBAs are also the most hostile communities I have ever seen - please, no.

    Thanks for trying though!
  6. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    I don't really play MOBAs so please correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't see how it's dumbed down for younger audiences.

    Heck Dota is known for having a very steep learning curve! It's not a dumbed down RTS it's just having attention relocated, it's just different.

    Rather than paying more attention to units and such you spend most of your time attempting to assist said units whilst keeping your Hero alive, knowing when to level what up, lay down a strategy for your match, etc...
  7. sebovzeoueb

    sebovzeoueb Active Member

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    I really don't enjoy MOBAs, but if it were a bit different from the existing ones I would probably check it out. I would definitely support something that incorporates elements of Tower Defense / building.
  8. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    Yeah, but the same could be said for any sport - and I don't play games to play sports. If I want to play sports, I go outside, I get some friends, and we play some baseball, some frisbee, or football. Here, I want to think.
  9. kothanlem

    kothanlem New Member

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    I want the Nexus game like in starcraft.
    philoscience likes this.
  10. philoscience

    philoscience Post Master General

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    You seem to be under the assumption that if someone made a PA moba you would somehow be required to play it or interact with it's community. Neither are true! But thanks for the 'no' vote, it has been registered!
    cptconundrum and mered4 like this.
  11. LmalukoBR

    LmalukoBR Well-Known Member

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    I love RTSs but i just can't get myself to like MOBAs, don't know, i just find them boring.
  12. zaphodx

    zaphodx Post Master General

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    I'm not sure where you're getting the dumbed down gameplay unless you're talking about how initially LoL is simple to pick up. You're going to need to quantify this with your experience and reasoning, particularly in reference to DOTA and SMITE.

    I am also very confused by your statement that being more experienced in the game makes you better at it/at countering. Are you saying that relatively inexperienced players should be able to beat veterans? Can you also please detail some games that do not suffer from this?
  13. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    Hostile gaming communities I've seen:

    Counter-Strike (all variants), various MOBAs, TF:C, TF2 . . . the list goes on, but it's basically "any competitive team-based game". MOBAs are not unique in this, and for some reason have a reputation worse than Counter-Strike whereby if you miss a single headshot in any game you're immediately labelled an idiot beyond repair :D

    Any community can be hostile. I've seen elements of it in this community, and it often stems (in any community) from a (usually deluded) perception of self-superiority.

    All games are based on experience. PA is based on experience.

    Your comment on dumbing down gameplay would only be laughable if you weren't so hostile about your opinions with regards to PA gameplay - given that context I can only assume you're trolling outright.
    Obscillesk and cptconundrum like this.
  14. mayhemster

    mayhemster Well-Known Member

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    I've not played it in many years but the CS community was awful!
  15. philoscience

    philoscience Post Master General

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    I like how Mered's comment is itself a great example of how hostile the PA community can be.

    I think a PA Moba would be fun, and clearly at least some portion of this community agrees!

    I also think it is interesting that the distribution of responses is so skewed towards extreme no as it fits my impression that people here tend to be very polarized in their opinions and just a bit rhetorical. I.e. anything the don't like, they HATE because it somehow threatens them? Probably true of most forums.
    ArchieBuld and mered4 like this.
  16. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    I think the idea has merit imo.... current MOBA games are all based around "powers" and "abilities".... a construction based version would be great! Also the maps in PA do open up lots of possibilities- also have people considered the option of opening up the "4th dimension" and allowing land units to make orbital moves?

    Having opponents coming in from above could be... interesting :p Maybe I'm wrong here but in theory is there anything to prevent a unit from starting on the planet, transiting to orbit, making an orbital transfer, then landing again on another planet? I think the Astreaous is the only unit that can currently do this so not sure if you could apply this capability to say a tank?
    philoscience likes this.
  17. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    I'm beating around the bush here, Z, and I probably should just be direct about it instead of explaining,

    I see MOBAs as a very sport-like genre. I play traditional sports fairly regularly with friends, and it's taken me years of practice to be as fluent in them as I am now. Since I come to most games wanting some sort of mental challenge, MOBAs are almost immediately the first thing I crossed off.

    I did try DOTA2 for a week back in early 2014, and I can appreciate how complex the relationships between classes and builds can become. But it's also like Starcraft in the sense that new strats at higher levels of play are a novelty - it's mostly reflex and training. Essentially, it's all about how well you can play with the game mechanics. Just like any RL sport. I'm not interested in that, nor am I interested in diving into a hostile community that takes itself way to seriously.

    Like I said earlier, if I want to play a sport, I'll toss down the headset and go play some tackle football. Spending hours in front of a screen grinding for a skill I'll never, ever use in a RL situation just doesn't appeal to me.
    squishypon3 likes this.
  18. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    Thus proving you have little idea about the mental challenge involved. But at least we know now, instead of simply guessing at the notion.

    All games are a "sport-like genre". Such a classification is so broad it defies classification in the first place.
  19. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Meh there are games built to be an esport, and others built to be just for fun with esports as a side goal.

    +1 for the truth behind your opinion.
  20. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    Sports are different to e-sports, especially in the context mered was using. Designing a game with e-sports in mind often means a whole lot more around the game itself, and little to do with the game itself.

    Spectator view, a ranked ladder, replays, chat support, Twitch.tv streaming . . . these are all aspects of a game that make the social aspects enjoyable and easy to perform. This is what feeds into a decent e-sports game, as all of that is required for easy dissemination of the game itself in the public spotlight.

    All games are of a "sport-like genre". And, if we're going to be picky, PA is a game developed with e-sports in mind, moreso than most other games. So it suits the medium well.

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