Just a question, but does this affect how far the Aim bone can turn, or does it change how far off of the aim bone the weapon can be shot?
Ok, so is there a way I can set how far the bone is able to turn? Or is that defined solely by animation?
wait, what? Pitch and yaw are different rotational vectors, they will both affect the same thing... either the aim bone or the difference in angle between the aim bone and the shot fired.
When you said turn, i guess i wrongly assumed you meant x rotation. If you want z rotation, then pitch range as well ofcourse. It seems that what you're trying to figure out is why your model turret isn't turning even though it's firing from that angle? Why that is, i couldn't tell you. I always assumed it was a problem with rotated bones or some problem with the 3ds max to .papa pipeline or some such, unless someone figured it out already? Maybe i wrongly assume this point. But to answer your question, my understanding is that the engine automatically rotates the bone as per the rotation axis defined in anim_tree, and yaw(x)/pitch(z) range and rate. yaw and pitch are not phantom angles within which the aim bone can fire, but the range in which the aim bone can be rotated in either direction. If you want those kind of angles, you would be using "firing_standard_deviation": value instead
Ok that helps. I'm just getting weird things happening with some of my units aiming. For example the excalibur (Big railgun spaceship if you're not familiar with my mod) doesn't like pointing towards its targets when it shoots despite having its aim bone as its root bone, I have to adjust the yaw and pitch to make it shoot at all, and then it aims slightly out of the side of the gun sometimes (as you can see in the mod right now if you've played it). Also the anti-tactical missile turret won't turn and face the tactical missile, which is weird, because it's currently using the flak cannon model and animtree.
I think the Excalibur issue is an issue with the engine. If you look closely at other units that don't use a rotating turret, they do the same thing.
Touché. Except it doesn't really matte with the fighter as it just fires anywhere, also the bomber doesn't have a turret. =o